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Trades open! First come first serve! by AndiGreyScale

There are only 2 trade slots. Please reply to this journal if you're interested.

I've never traded before so I don't want to take on to much.

I'd like to do all communications here, but if you prefer Tumblr that's okay with me as well!

I'd like to work out the details on the trades through messages, if that's alright with you.

I realize I have no official characters, and I did honestly try drawing one out earlier today but I got frustrated, so I'm opting for my aging cat, Topaz (she's going on 13, got photos of her for ref), instead. If you're not a fan of drawing kitty cats, we can still work something else out (like another animal!)

If you're hoping for 3D work instead of my typical flat, high gamma work, you're going to be disappointed. I hate doing 3D because Chaotica does not support it and it makes my little processor run very hot.

And... I think that's all. I've never done a trade before so I'm not 100% sure what goes into this or how to set it all up. I apologize if I'm doing it wrong!! I'll check back later tonight, so please do not panic if I don't reply back right away!

Edit: Both slots have been filled!

Trades open! First come first serve!


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