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People who don't vote are bastards by StealthSneak1Diesel

While I was at work last night, I asked my coworkers if they have voted yet. I found two that haven't.

"I don't care about politics": well I believe you should. One of these days, someone will be out to take away your rights. Since in our work area, we work those who are and not limited to:




And Muslim

Any one of these people could have politicians running for office to take their rights away.

"I'm not registered, but I've been covering politics in class":

Ok, well register then! Go to the voting booths and register to vote! The only things that would keep you from doing that is if you aren't a legal citizen, or have a felony.

"I just don't want to vote blindly":

Ok, just simply do your research. I go onto my computer on the things and politicians I don't know about and do some research. We live in a digital age of both the internet and social media. Information has never been spread so fast. There is no reason why you shouldn't have a candidate to support.

I mean come on guys, this is your given right! In these days of crisis given a lot of us don't have jobs, and our houses are too expensive and such, we need to know who can do what to fix that. We should value the right to vote seeing many countries don't democratically elect their leaders and those leaders end up being power hungry and heartless like Kim Jong Ill and his son. Go vote during every election!

People who don't vote are bastards


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    Let me be honest.

    I have always said that I vote because I don't care about politics. I don't care about politics because people aren't mature enough to handle them civilly. I can do without being verbally slammed for what I believe is right, and called X and Y name, and etc. As a result of avoiding the drama, I tend to avoid the politics as a whole. As a result of THAT, I feel I'm too uninformed to vote and lack the desire to do such research. Bottom line, I just didn't care. The only reason I would have voted is if I really disliked one of the candidates for some reason or if I catch wind that one is severely against what I believe in, enough to cause a problem for me.

    That said, if I could find a mature group of individuals to associate with that would civilly discuss political issues with me, I don't think I'd mind talking about politics or voting. I'm just really guarded against all the crap that comes with it.

    The best argument for me to vote came from one of my teachers today. "A lot of people died for you to be able to vote," he said. And that is true. Your argument today, Stealth, wouldn't have worked on me, because I just didn't care one bit about voting or those who demanded I do something that was my choice to do or not do. But that right there is changing my mind, and I think for the first time ever, I will vote in 2016.

    At the same time, I still have no desire to associate myself with politics. I will have to figure out a way to make this work.

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    And that's why I voted this election, to hopefully elect someone who will think of everyone as equals instead of using his/her authority to defeat the rights others should be entitled to regardless of race, gender, or sexual preference. And I do my research and urge anyone else who votes or is considering voting to do the same, make sure you make the best decision to your beliefs.

    And I honestly hope this next 4 years is what Obama needed to pull this country out of the hole we're in.

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      I believe he's doing a pretty decent job given the problems he inherited from Bush.

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        Most surely

        I just wish more people would have faith in him, though i can understand why some wouldn't :(

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          The reason is that he caved in and started siding with the republicans for a majority of his term. Also part of it was that he sounded like he was going to change the system.