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vent journal; reddit made me cry by EmilyThePenguin


most of you know I have a bizarre hearing disorder called misophonia...

there was a reddit post asking people to chew with their mouths closed (thank GOD) and it turns out there's an r/misophonia (

which is both good news and bad news for me.

good news! Further proof I'm not crazy and alone

bad news

there are people here who have had their disorder for over 20 years. and it doesn't get better.
the anxiety attacks are still there. the rage is still there.

worst of all, the people taking it as something that isn't real are still there.

so. uh. my hearing isn't going to get any better. I'm still gonna get treated like a piece of shit by strangers AND 'friends'

I'm not imaginary insane, I'm clinically insane.

vent journal; reddit made me cry


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    Important tips regarding reddit: it generally presents the worst-case scenarios when it comes to... well, anything, and it's also filled with a whole lotta terrible people that are best ignored.

    The best take away here is the good news, in that you are neither crazy nor alone (although I imagine there are better places to find the appropriate company). There's always ways to get better from something, even if it might seem totally impossible at first.

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      the problem is that I thought people might grow outta this shit outside of college. Stupid internet people...

      I just hope I don't have this for decades like these others...

      but thank you for caring <:}

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    I agree with Relaxing Dragon. Reddit is full of jerks, but it is also full of kind people who understand. A lot of times, the jerks are like that because they have nothing better to do, so their words should totally be ignored. At least you know you're not alone, and that's always good to know. Maybe if there is more awareness about it, maybe someone can come up with some sort of cure or remedy. -shrugs- I think it's always good to be hopeful. :>
    Also, if you ever need someone to talk to, you know I'm here. :)

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      I've usually had a good experience with reddit <:{

      I'm just bewildered that adults are saying that a neurological disorder is fake because it is so bizarre.

      getting lots of rude comments <:{

      and I know man, you're a bro /)
      (I've been on skype lots lately, shoot me a message if you'd like )

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    Oh wow I didn't know this was a serious thing for some people. I get annoyed by most of those trigger things (especially when the guy in the next apartment over plays his music too loud and all I can hear is the bass all muffled and AAAA I CAN'T IGNORE IT WHYYY) but it's never like... truly unbearable like that.

    I can only imagine how much it would suck to be misophonic about sounds like your own swallowing or something like that. There's got to be someone out there who's driven mad by their own unstoppable biological functions and that's just scary.

    With those people who are saying it doesn't exist... never forget, trolls are a thing and they all deserve a lot of pain for what they do, but screw them. And anyone who actually, really doesn't think it's a real thing and isn't just trying to get a rise out of everyone, they're massive assholes for trying to tell you your pain and anxiety is fake, and they're dead wrong because they don't even BEGIN to have an understanding how the brain works. Anyone who even sort of knows psychology wouldn't dare say something so obviously wrong like that, even if they legitimately didn't believe that disorder was real. So I wouldn't put any stake in what they say.

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      well, there was a girl who was triggered by her mother's breathing... she attempted suicide a few times <:{

      and I sure know I'd NEVER tell someone that their mental disorder is false.... the people who claim that they don't have a true disorder are those who have never experienced one themselves.

      but man, thank you so much <:} it means a lot for you to even respond, and... furries really are the best people in the world. I can't believe all the support I've found and it means the world to me.