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Furries... Ugh... by Silvonas

I've seen some post on different sites about a fursuiter whose house burnt down. The post is 99% of the time with a picture of the fire and smoke damage suit head. The guy who lose everything, as in his house, closes, food, EVERYTHING (as well as everyone else) proceeds to whine about how his suit was lost in the fire. And asks for money for a new one!

Let me make this clear. The dude is more upset over losing a fursuit then losing his home!

And people are giving him money and talking about how horrible it was that such a wonderful suit got destroyed. Not one comment about his house being gone.

So let me get this straight… furries will throw money at you if your fursuit gets ruined, but don’t give two shits about your home? What? This brings me to a new level of pissed off.

I have a good friend of mine that is pretty much going through some horrible times and no one even messages him to talk to him. The guy has been having problems with depression and stress and such and going to therapy about it, but no one seems to care. They just say he is an ass and refuse to see that he bettering himself. Add to this that his room mate just up and moved out without paying his share of the bills for the last two months and my friend now has to sue him to get it. During this time though he faces the chance of his power, water, hell everything getting shut off because of this ass that took off. He hasn't been able to work because of his anxiety, so he can;t just pay the bills the room mate didn't. Hell his landlord may very well kick him out.

And not a single person fucking cares about that. Nope. Someone had their fursuit burn up… that’s more important. That’s what people need to send their money too. So they guy can get themselves another fucking fursuit.

This fandom pisses me the fuck off…

Furries... Ugh...


Journal Information



  • Link

    Considering the age range, not many people who associate with the fandom have really hit any significant stage of maturity. Also, they have no idea what a real life crisis something like that is... my house burnt down completely as a child, taking everything and my family history with it, and to this day the only things I ever want back is that lost history. It taught me that everything material will turn to dust, but less tangible things can last longer and are far more important. I empathize with your anger, and I personally find it a little distasteful how often people are begging each other for money in this fandom, but there's nothing I can do about it. It's just a microcosm of the human condition.

    Condolences to your friend, at the very least, and I hope he pulls through. I can't offer much more than that, but I do try and do my part and interact/talk with many people between my duties on here and IRL.

    • Link

      Thank you. And yea... my friend has not asked for one cent from people, even though I think he has some right to do so. Before I left FA I would see tons of journals and post of people begging for money for art, suits, tablets, games, or even money to go to the movies. I would be reading these while living on someone's couch because i had no home. What was worse. these people got the money they begged for and when I tried to do discounted commissions so I could get some food, or pay a bill, i would not get anything at all. I read stuff from people saying that furries are caring and help each other out and I'm starting to see that is only if you are a popufur or giving people art for the little amount of money they give you. It kind of makes me want to gag.

      • Link

        Unfortunately I stopped being open to giving people any money, I've had too many people walk off with it and their promises (not just online, but IRL), and I'm not in the situation currently to be giving it away (I know you're not asking, I'm just stating such). I appreciate Weasyl's function to disable journals from particular people, although if I start to see a pattern I just unfollow them anyway. Doesn't matter for me though, because it's a habit now to browse most journals and I see them regardless.

        Again, furry's just a microcosm of the rest of the world; people will always pour money into the "popular" thing to pour money to, even if there are more deserving causes or people. I could go on for awhile about this, but I'l spare you haha. Furries are just more open about stuff, I think, and that's where people derive the misconception that they're more caring than the average person. There's a lot of good in the community, but there's always another side to the coin.

        • Link

          Yea... and I've been seeing a lot of that "other side of the coin" lately.

          • Link

            Me too, trust me on that at least. I hope the both of you stay strong, though. The strongest steel is forged in the hottest fires.

            • Link

              Thank you. I know my friend will read this later when he gets home. I'm sure he will enjoy reading this as well.

  • Link

    Don't knock the furry fandom. Fursuits mean a lot to their owners and it can be quite devestating to have one stolen, damaged or destroyed, so that is probably why the person is more upset about his fursuit than his house.

    I try and talk to your friend sometimes and hardly ever get any replies from him.

    • Link

      The only time you have "talked" to me is when you comment on my DJ ad submissions. i believe the last one was, "nice!" and that was it.

      • Link

        But I've talked to you other times as well, I've even asked if you wanted to hang out with me a few times before. The last time I asked was the Super Bowl party at Mr. Jingles's place.

        • Link

          yes and that was a few weeks ago. He has posted joaurnals since then about his problems and you have not tried to message him or tlk to him to find out what is going on or to try and cheer him up just by being there as a friend...

          • Link

            I must not have seen them, otherwise I would have replied to them. I almost always answer journals about how someone is feeling.

        • Link

          i dont remember any kind of super bowl party mentioned. last time i remember actually holding a conversation with you was you asking for speakers for your mom's van.

          • Link

            I did man. You said you did'nt want to go because you weren't sure if any of the Nashville furs were going or not. I've even asked you if you wanted to come over to my place just to hang out for awhile but I never got an answer.

            • Link

              i really dont remember any of that. i do remember maybe you inviting me to the art meet or whatever and said that about the art meet. but not a super bowl party. and i really really dont remember you inviting me over

              • Link

                We'll, I did man.

    • Link

      Fursuits can be replaced. Most of the items within your home could not be if they burnt up. Such as pictures and other memories. As others, you missed the point of this rant. Fur are willing to give money for things that you can live with out (art, suits, tablets,money for movies) but tend to ignore you if you need money for food when you have non or bills when you risk eviction. I understand suits are pricey, but THEY CAN BE REPLACED. Your home, the momeories within it can not. I would not be as annoyed if the guy bitching about the burnt suit was upset about loosing everything else as well. Normal clothes are more important then a damn fursuit. A safe place to live is more important then art.

  • Link

    I can't even comprehend the severely high level of mental disjunction behind this. It's absolutely ridiculous, let alone disgraceful.

    • Link

      Judging from the fact you favorited this journal I am going to guess you are agreeing with me. And yes...yes it is.

      • Link

        Beyond just showing a lack of empathy, it shows a severe lack of concern for reality.