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paypal deal - commission help by catspian

my mom and i finally made a set deal on when i can make a paypal account. when we finally move into our own house, and get settled down, we're going to go see the bank to get me a student visa/credit card/whatever. i convinced her it was worth it because i can make us money and the card will help me start gaining credit and other adult stuff.

ill make sure it happens this time, because she pinkie swore on it. pinkie swears are super legit to me and her.

so when i get that paypal account in say, hopefully a month or two, ill be offering commissions! im gonna need the money for possible summer plans and the cost of living. with my mom and i having left my father, we're low on cash. she might be getting fired soon, too. (life keeps shitting on us, haha) so basically while im trying to get a job ill be offering commissions to help pay for living, like

  • strata/maintenance fees (we'll be living in a townhouse/apartment/condo)
  • food
  • other bills (hydro, tv, phone, probably not heat though bc we might have a fireplace. and sweaters)
  • pet care (food for my cat, possible vet bills when his stomatitis acts up, fish stuff like filters, food, tank care)

my father will probably be paying $300 for child support, and nowadays that only covers one and a half grocery trips.

so enough rambling about my situation/reasons for commissions, when i open commissions im not sure how ill set it up. would you prefer

A. tiered options (sketch, lineart, flat, shaded, etc)
B. pay by the hour (requesting style, etc)

along with those basic commissions id probably offer custom designs and pixels. and things like adopt auctions, YCHs

let me know how you feel about those options and price help would be great too! thank you!

paypal deal - commission help


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  • Link

    I am a huge sucker for sketches. Allot of personality can be shown in loose, fun squiggle lines. When you're ready, I would love to buy a block of your time for a few of 'em. :3

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      aw gee thank you! maybe ill price the commissions by time, and a smaller amount of time would be a sketch, then coloured, etc...

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    I like sketches a lot too. And icons!

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      right, icons! when i open up later, im going to be careful of how i offer things, and how much i offer, because i find that other times when i did deviantart point commissions id get overwhelmed with so many different things i had to do.

      speaking of being overwhelmed, definitely going to be setting up a slots/queue system =u=

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        YES slots. Slots will save your soul. Start out with less expensive things first, then when you have a little attention aimed at you and people know how you work, offer more expensive things and so on.

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          oooo nice tip! thanks uvu

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    Are groceries super expensive where you live, because that's a hell of a bill for only two people!

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      yeah they're very expensive. you have to choose average quality or cheap, and we'd rather not be sick and have to pay for that too, yanno?

      and there's no way we can afford the super healthy organic stuff all the time, haha. plus our favourite lil market closed down! they were good and inexpensive, but a new supermarket is coming in and they cant handle the competition.

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        Auuuugh that is the worst. It always blows my mind whenever I'd visit friends who live in a wealthier suburb and we go shopping for food. 8 bucks for a loaf of bread? Freaking seriously?

        That said, in my own experience, being really strict with grocery lists and trying to avoid buying too much because it looks super good at the time has saved me a load of money. Never go grocery shopping on an empty stomach!

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          yeah, my mom and i tend to put it off because of being tired after work and school, so we generally shop less often for more food. we've been working on going more often and getting less to make it a bit easier to pay for