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Incredibly frustrated by baLOrKIn

...with my art. =_= I really don't know what to do...

Incredibly frustrated


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  • Link

    What is the problem? What are you frustrated about?

    • Link

      I think I am mainly frustrated because I feel like my art is pointless, going nowhere and I fail to tell the stories I really want to tell.

      I don'T get any attention lately which means to me: no one is intrigued with my 'heaqdworld' and thus, it doesn't matter to anyone. Even when I like a piece - if it receives no recognition, if no one craves my art or expresses interest in the stories I tell, I feel like it's not worth a thing.

      I feel like standing in a dark room and losing myself, anyways for a lot of... personal reasons beyond my control... or not. But my art is kinda the last resort for me. If people say: look, this is nice and I am interested in it - I probably feel they're interested in me. Because I feel like no one really sees me at all.

      I have scribbled and sketched a lot of my headworld, leaving the furry art behind a little but no one is even remotely interested in that and also not in the progress I make, art-wise. At least that's how I feel. I can't blame them because there's so much art out there on the internet that's way better than mine. I try to keep it up and get better but with the dayjob keeping me down, I have less time to draw than ever. It just doesn'T feel right but then again - I never was one of the big players. So whom am I kidding?

      • Link

        Are you on other sites besides here? I know it can be very hard to get any comments or recognition here, just doesn't seem to be enough of a community yet.

        • Link

          I'm on FA and DA as well. I have given up to fight for recognition on Da a long time ago... it has grown too big, too massive of a portfolio for top notch professionals. A little me is nothing there. On Fa I had some kind of 'fan base' once... but as the fandom grows and more and more very talented artists emerge, I seem to fall behind because... I lack talent or... inspiration. I don't know.

          • Link

            I understand. I'm not a big fan of DA anymore but best I could tell FA still has plenty of room for good artists. (which I certainly believe you are). I know not many leave comments. I am guilty of that, I might see a piece I like and save it but not favor or comment on it. It isn't the best move, I admit but I'm always afraid to leave a crap ton of "Nice piece" all over the place... I always feel like I need to be more constructive with comments.

            • Link

              Everybody is telling me that lately... My last journal was on that topic. Honestly, I understand the notion but I believe it's fair to say that everybody usually appreciates a little chear up and appreciation. On the internet so many amazing artists (and even professionals) display their beautiful work for free and don't charge anything. I think the least we could do is to leave a little thank you or 'nice piece' to appreciate and let them know... but well, I don't want to guild trip anyone. That's just how I see it.

              And thank you for the praise... it means a lot.

              • Link

                And you are not the first to say this to me as well... Maybe I was a part of that previous journals conversation but regardless, I am making an effort to say thank you to the artists for posting their works, as you say for free. It is the least we can do.

                You are most welcome! :D

      • Link

        We all feel that way sometimes. You have to work to make your art what YOU want it to be and not worry about others. I get very frustrated when I see people who are much less talented than me get big bucks and recognition, but I have been doing art all my life and can't NOT be an artist! So I try and do what I enjoy, I push myself to be better for me and to make myself happy with my work. Do I wish I would sell a lot more? YES! But that does not mean I will stop doing my art! DUDE!! You just moved to IRELAND, that is SO cool and should be inspiring! I have visited there and love it!
        We all get down and depressed and frustrated, but don't give up on what you love!

        • Link

          Thanks... yes, I moved to IReland two years ago, now. I was hoping it would help me with my art but the dayjob keeps me from really dicing into it. I feel inspired by the legends and celtic traditions, though.

          And I know I probably can't be something else than an artist... but I felt like stopping art entirely lately. I stopped for more than a week because of art block and my fiancé has stopped drawing years ago which saddens and pains me so much... I cannot share that with him no matter what I do, it seems. Another reason for me to struggle. I lack 'art mates'. I wasn't able to make real connections and friends here, and my friends back home are kinda far away and we'Re all not good in... keeping in touch I suppose.

          I think I cannot stop coming up with stuff and feeling the need to put it on paper...but it's questionable what will come from it.

      • Link

        I have scribbled and sketched a lot of my headworld, leaving the furry art behind a little but no one is even remotely interested in that and also not in the progress I make, art-wise.

        Hmmm, really? Because from what I have seen on FA (-which is the only platform I can judge because I don't follow the others that much-) those sketches and scribbles actually got comments, asking for you to go ahead, myself included. :) It may very well be though that the number of them isn't in the triple digits (or even double digits, sadly) but they're far more constructive and more content than a lot of other people are most likely to get.

        • Link

          When I say 'nobody' I mostly mean people I don't know. I always end up thinking my friends comment to comfort me, rather than being intrigued by my art too much. But you are right, I am not fasir when putting it that way :<

          Your comments always mean a hell lot to me, just so you know. Especially your comments have been very helpful and constructive.

  • Link

    You have some great art but I feel your pain.

    • Link

      thank you. It means a lot.

      • Link

        You are most welcome. Wish there was more of a community here to support you and others.

  • Link

    Ack, I'm sorry you're so frustrated. :(
    I, for one, have a lot of interest in headworlds - I find them fascinating! I have my own, of course, but it is unfortunately less tangible because of my lack of artistic ability. Personally, I'd love to see more of your headworld stuff if you decide you want to share it.

    • Link

      I shared some lot of my sketch pages from the book I was talking about on FA - I will upload them here, for sure as I can't help it, but try. I am still in the process of uploading the best pieces from my FA gallery to WEasyl, though. Everything you see has been created in 2012 - so there's one more year to go through. But you will see it, eventually. I have characters and short bios up here in my character section already, Aza'zel, Konstantin and Ez are all from that headworld.

      • Link

        Ah, excellent! I will check them out. :)

  • Link

    I really know that feeling :/

    And you do seem a bit off the mainstream in point of "furry art", but personally, that's exactly why I enjoy the things you draw so much :>

    • Link

      I think I have no clue what mainstream furry art is, even. ^^

      • Link

        That depends on the individual interpretation of what exactly one regards as mainstream. One often referred common ground are the origins of comics and cartoons but things seem to have deviated from that a while now. For that reason it is equally difficult to position yourself as an artist in regards of the "Am I Mainstream?" Question, I guess...

  • Link

    I still like your stuff <3

    • Link

      thank you :) And I haven't forgotten about your commission. :) It's in the making.

      • Link

        Take your time. I'm a patient panther. Just wanted you to know that you are still awesome! <3

  • Link

    I actually know exactly what you mean. When I lost my main art base of "friends" I lost all inspiration to draw. I feel crippled, but have been moving my art in a vastly different directions. That seems to be helping me.
    This may just be a lull, or the world encouraging you to create in a different vein, or just a "test" of your metal.
    But I have to say, if you give up, the world will be losing an amazingly talented, and wonderful illustrator.
    Keep your chin up dear, but always keep this thought close to your heart.
    "Create, not to appease those around you, but to bring joy to yourself. Others will enjoy that spark, because it is a flicker, a shimmer, of something wonderful, joyful, painful, and agonizing. That spark that can be shared, through no other media, than art."

    • Link

      thank you so much, dear. It means a lot. And you're right, but still, I cannot bring myself to be as inspired or motivated when I lack input or recognition. My poor self-esteem is to blame, I guess. =_=

  • Link

    I so feel you. I was there a few years ago. And you know what I did...I started drawing what people like.
    And you know what happened next?
    I FORGOT what my own "art" was. Now i feel like a tool for the visions of somebody else.
    Don't go down that road. It's horrible to come back and try to find your own thing again once you lost it.

    But anyway...I started to NOT POST my sketchbook things anymore (the traditional art in my sketchbooks) and that really helped. Because if you don't post it, you don't give a fuck about peoples opinion. I mean...of course I like to show it to others when they ask what i draw, but that's a little bit different then posting things online, where you are distracted by counters and views.
    I like to post things and get feedback. I think...i'm even a little addicted to that :/ It's "easy happiness". But it's not really worth it, if you loose yourself or get frustrated with it.

    • Link

      'easy happyness' that's exactly how I feel... It's probably really like an addiction, but I don't really know how to shake it off... I A D O R E your traditional sketches, by the way!!! So please share them! If not with the world, share them with me, at least. :) Your art gives so much inspiration to me, the beauty of your lines is incredible to me. Much more beautiful then your 'refined' digital art, even. The beauty of your sketches enchanted me so much last EF we saw each other... it's not even funny!

  • Link

    I second what Rotarr said!

    but on the other hand: if you have nobody around, posting your ideas online is the only way to
    talk to people, in a way, and it feels horrible when nobody reacts.
    I'm not sure if it is a lack of attention or lack of will to invest 30 seconds for a nice word, at least.

    for me it is a lack of time, since christmas I'm sitting in front of my computer, 10-12hours a day, only
    university and commissions, mainly university, isolated and drained but there is no way I can use messangers while working.
    I have problems to stay focused and work 4-5h without being a "bunnybrain", but it needs to change!
    I really have to try harder, it pains me to loose touch. I want to know what your headworld is about, what you have in mind for the characters, stories and designs. Your mind is such an inspiring place, your art is full of wonder and ideas and the furry fandom is kind of... narrow minded when it comes to certain topics and ideas.

    try to find out what you want to do. try to find out what feels right for you.
    i know it hurts to think nobody is interested in your ideas, but I'm sure there are many people who love
    your art and ideas and the more you grow, the more people will follow you on your path and
    they will share their thoughts.

    sometimes it helps to ask questions to get people talking :)

    • Link

      This is exactly how I feel... isolated with my art and lonely in a way. :( Since I moved away from my friends and cannot have art jams with you guys anymore - even if it was just once or twice a year - I feel uninspired and dull and discouraged a lot. T_T I miss you guys so much... and I don't find anybody here to share those feelings, thoughts and the spirit of drawing. So I turn to the only source I have, which is the internet, but it's a vast space of competition, and it seems my ideas and art cannot compete. :/

      But your words mean so much to me, so thanks for sharing. I really hope we can meet this year at EF at least...

  • Link

    I don't comment because I feel silly saying "nice" over and over and over again. I do look at your art though, and I have always liked it. It's always hart to get in to the place where people actually start commenting on your things ^^ Many of us feel the same way, in that we can't really express more than a 'nice art'. :'3 I wish I did though, because even something like that would encourage me, I just feel like it would be a pointless comment for someone else. I agree with Rotarr, too, don't give up on your headworld. It's a long road back after you give in to drawing what other people want and not what YOU want.

    • Link

      It would encourage me a hell lot, indeed, especially from someone like you. I remember that you commented on the first concept of Ez over on Fa and it made my heart jump. Even though you didn't even 'say' anything, I felt more encouraged than before to tell you a little more about that guy, because you seemed to like him...