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Dem art feels :3 by Donro

Them feels.

Don't take this as abuse, me crying or anything else its just self reflection :3

When someone you’ve helped, built up and basically made interesting is now more popular due to your help and yet you don’t get a look in from said people when the personality they display is in fact yours.

Really weird, I don’t draw furry for the aim of fame cause I’ve had it and it’s shit.. it’s just irritating when people like someone for being you and they don’t like you if you act like you to them?

I’ve cut off a lotta peeps in this fandom because they all became cunts, pure and simple cunts lol.. and now the ones I helped with art, contacts or general tips are doing quite well and i’m just moving along as always =w=

If I ever intend to make money from drawing weird pics could I? Nah… I’d need the fanbase they’ve gotten through being me and drawing at a similar if not subpar level just with an ability to colour and it’s dumb, I gave them the skills and tools and teaching and they’ve improved a tad and then I’ve changed a lot since drawing furry shit but lifes hard.

Dem art feels :3


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    Man, there's way too much of that shit on this crooked world of ours...

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      It's not that big a deal it's just funny hahah

      People like something you've created in your own image yet don't understand why

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        -nodnod- One could argue they actually like the substitute more specifically ~because~ they don't know why ^0^;

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          Most of them just herd about my old castoffs so its a herd of my old castoffs drawing between each other

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    you know what must be done mate

    profit! o0o

    but srsly, if their gonna act like ingrates to ya regardless of what ya've done, fuck em don't even give the sorry git a second thought~

    on that note; hope I never become as such D: love ya man :3

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      People aren't doing that it's just funny how people will run to the clone yet are weird toward the original