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Journal Meme: 7 out of 7 - Long Q/A? by mscherbear

Taken from lightningshinobi @ deviantART --

  1. Name: Cher

  2. Nickname(s): CherBear

  3. Birthday: September 20th

  4. That makes you: Strange

  5. Where were you born: Manila

  6. Location right now: San Diego

  7. Shoe size: 7 1/2

  8. How many piercings?: Two

  9. Tattoos?: N/A

  10. When you wake up you're: Feeling groggy.

  11. When your about to sleep you're: Feeling sleepy.

  12. Zodiac sign: Virgo

  13. Chinese sign: Hmm...

  14. Righty or Lefty: Righty

  15. Innie or Outie: Innie

  16. School: Indefinite student of life?

Section Two: Looks

  1. Nationality: Filipina

  2. Hair colour: Black

  3. Weight: Mass

  4. Height: 5'ish?

  5. Braces? Nope.

  6. Glasses? Yep.

Section Three: Private Life

  1. Do you have a boy/girlfriend? Sure?

  2. If so, who? Not sure if its my sketchbook or pencil?

  3. If not, do you have a crush on someone? Sounds painful.

  4. Who has a crush on you? Who knows.

  5. Ever cheated on your bf/gf? Before.

  6. Who was your first kiss: Some guy.

  7. Who was your last kiss: Some guy.

  8. Are you a virgin? Say what?

  9. Ever had a threesome before? Huh?

  10. If you could have sex with anyone, who would that be? I don't know, honestly.

  11. Have you ever been in love? Define "in love"

  12. Broken any hearts? Yes.

  13. Got your heart broken? Yes.

  14. Ever liked a friend? Yes.

  15. What happened? They never knew of course.

Section Four: Past Relationships

  1. How many relationships have you been in: I forget.

  2. How many were serious enough to count: I forget.

  3. Who were those serious ones: I forget.

  4. Funnest hook-ups: Uh...not sure if it was funny.

  5. What made them different: Not sure.

  6. What happened: Can't elaborate.

  7. Best boy/girlfriend: Uh...say what?

  8. Worst boy/girlfriend: Hmm...none of'em.

  9. Ever been kissed: Yep.

  10. Who do you want back: None.

  11. Who do you regret: None.

  12. Why?: There's no reason?

Section Five: Favourites

  1. Song: You

  2. Movie: Serendipity

  3. Food: Surf & turf.

  4. Drink: Madori sour.

  5. Store: Spencer's

  6. Television show: Person of Interest.

  7. Holiday: Christmas.

  8. Book: The Hobbit

  9. Ice cream: Chocolate Malted Crunch.

  10. Sweets: Nutella

  11. Crisps: Love Letters.

  12. Type of music: Varies on moods.

  13. Artist: Da Vinci

  14. Word: Yo

  15. Time of day: Evening

  16. Dressing: Blue Cheese

  17. Alcoholic drink: Madori Sour?

  18. Colour(s): Blue.

  19. Piece of clothing: Whichever is comfortable.

  20. Character: What kind of character?

  21. Smell: Baked chocolate chip cookies.

  22. Shampoo: Head and shoulders Green Apple.

  23. Soap: Dunno.

  24. Smiley: :)

  25. Board game: Monopoly.

  26. Sport: Volleyball

  27. Number: 13

  28. Quote: "The world spins on dreamers."

  29. Animal: Bears

  30. Actor: Ewan McGregor

  31. Vegetable: Potato?

  32. Fruit: Strawberry.

  33. Place to be: Warm and safe.

  34. Thing in your room: Anime plushies.

  35. Gum: Doesn't matter.

  36. Shape: Circles.

  37. Country: Doesn't matter.

  38. Mall: Not any in particular?

  39. Car: Muscle Cars...not any in particular.

  40. Boy's name: Michael

  41. Girl's name: Serendipity.

  42. Family member: Some family?

  43. Restaurant: Varies due to mood.

  44. Movie place: Doesn't matter really?

  45. Person to go to the movies with: Friends or family.

  46. Noise: Rain.

  47. Brand of shoe: Comfortable shoes?

  48. Brand of clothing: Comfortable clothes?

  49. Body part of a chicken: Thighs.

  50. Swear word: Uh what?

  51. Month: July.

  52. Possession: My sketchbook

  53. Team: Padres or Chargers

  54. Season: Summer or Fall

  55. Radio station: Varies?

  56. Magazine: N/A

  57. Favourite grade: Huh?

  58. Least favourite grade: What?

  59. Teacher: Forgot his name.

  60. Least favourite teacher: Not sure?

  61. Subject: Art.

  62. Subject to talk about: Video games & anime?

Section Six: Family

  1. Who's your mum?: A wonderful woman.

  2. Who's your dad?: A guy lost in circumstances.

  3. Any step-parents?: No?

  4. Any brothers?: Half brother.

  5. Any Sisters?: Half sister.

  6. Coolest: Huh?

  7. Loudest: Dunno.

  8. Best relative: All of'em.

  9. Worse relative: None of'em.

  10. Do you get along with your parents? Before no, now I understand.

  11. With your siblings? Can't say I've had one, trying to start one w/ one.

  12. Does anyone understand you? Few people.

  13. Do you have any pets?: A dog.

  14. If so, what kind and name? Half shi-tzu/chihuahua - Mini

  15. If not, what do you want as a pet?: Huh?

  16. Can I be a part of your family? Depends?

Section Seven: School

  1. Are you still in school? Technically yes.

  2. Did you drop out?: No.

  3. Your current GPA: 3.0?

  4. Do you buy or bring lunch?: Bring lunch.

  5. ABC's?: 1 2 3?

  6. Favorite class: Art class.

  7. Play any sports at school?: No.

  8. Are you popular?: I don't think so.

  9. Favourite memory: Hanging out with friends.

  10. Most humiliating moment: Don't recall.

  11. Most funniest moment: Don't remember.

  12. Most scared moment: Public speaking/presentations.

Section Eight: What do you think of when you hear

  1. Chicken: Fried.

  2. Dog: Fluffy.

  3. Christina Aguilera: Singing.

  4. Ricky Martin: Shaking.

  5. 50 cent: 2 quarters.

15o. Poop: Whut?

  1. Beach: Sunsets.

  2. Desert: Warm.

  3. Water: Reflections.

  4. Osama: What?

  5. Love: Undefined.

  6. Your little brother: I have one?

  7. Butt: Round.

  8. Clowns: Funny.

  9. Wonder: Unbelievable.

16o. Brown: Tan.

  1. Banana: Monkey

  2. Sex: Misunderstood.

  3. Parents: Importance.

  4. Homosexuals: Different orientation.

  5. God: What about it?

Section Nine: Do you believe in

  1. God: A mystery.

  2. Heaven: In general.

  3. Devil: In drawings.

  4. Hell: Lived everyday.

170: Boogy man: Dancing.

  1. Closet Monsters: What closet?

  2. Fortune tellings: Unexplained plausibilities.

  3. Magic: Of course!

  4. Love at first sight: Different for each person.

  5. Ghosts: Ethereal beliefs

  6. Voo-doo dolls: Would like to own one.

  7. Reincarnation: Not entirely farfetched.

  8. Yourself: I try to.

Section Ten: Do you

  1. Smoke: No.

  2. Do drugs: Pain killers.

  3. Drink alcohol: Yes.

  4. Cuss: Depends.

  5. Sing in the shower: Not often.

  6. Like school: Sometimes.

  7. Want to get married: Sure?

  8. Type with all of your fingers: Technically? No.

  9. Think you're attractive: No.

  10. Drink and drive: No.

  11. Snore: Been told I do.

  12. Sleep walk: No.

  13. Like watching sunrises and sunsets: No.

Section Eleven: Have you ever

  1. Flashed someone: No.

  2. Gotten so drunk til you threw up everywhere: No.

  3. Told that person how you felt: Yes.

  4. Been arrested: No.

  5. Gone to jail or juve: Yes?

  6. Skateboarded: No.

  7. Skinny dipped: No.

  8. Rock climbed: No.

  9. Killed someone: No.

  10. Watched porn: Sure?

  11. Gone on a road trip: Yes.

  12. Went out of the country: Yes.

  13. Talked back to an adult: Yes.

  14. Broken a law: In theory.

  15. Got pulled over: Not yet.

208: Cried to get out of trouble: Before?

  1. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: Yes.

  2. Kissed a brother's or sister's friend: No

  3. Kissed a friend's brother or sister: No

  4. Dropped something on the floor and let someone eat it anyways: No.

  5. Moon someone: No.

  6. Shop-lifted: Yes.

  7. Worked at McDonald's: No.

  8. Eaten a dog: No.

  9. Give money to a homeless person: Yes.

  10. Glued your hand to yourself: Yes.

  11. Kissed someone of the same sex: No.

  12. Had a one night stand: No.

  13. Smoked: No.

  14. Done drugs: Pain killers sure?

  15. Lose a friend because of your ex: No.

  16. Slap someone for being stupid: No.

  17. Had cyber sex: Say what?

  18. Wish you were the opposite sex: No.

  19. Caught someone doing something: Yes.

  20. Played a game that removes clothing: No.

  21. Cried during a movie: Yes.

  22. Cried over someone: Yes.

  23. Wanted to hook up with a friend: No.

  24. Hooked up with someone you barely met: No.

  25. Ran away from home: No.

  26. Cheated on a test: Yes.

Section Twelve: Would you

  1. Bungee jump: No.

  2. Sky dive: No.

  3. Swim with dolphins: Yes.

  4. Steal a friend's bf or gf: No.

  5. Try to be the opposite sex: No.

  6. Lie to the police: Depends.

  7. Run from the police: Depends.

  8. Lie to your parents: Depends.

  9. Backstab a friend for your own well being: No.

  10. Be an exotic dancer: No.

  11. Bang a donkey for 1, 000, 000: No.

Section Thirteen: Are you

  1. Shy: Yes

  2. Loud: No.

  3. Nice: Yes.

249: Outgoing: No.

250: Quiet: Yup

  1. Mean: No.

  2. Emotional: Yes.

  3. Sensitive: Yes

  4. Gay: No.

  5. Strong: No.

  6. Weak: Yes

  7. Caring: Yes.

  8. Dangerous: No.

  9. Crazy: Possibly.

  10. Spontaneous: Sometimes...

  11. Funny: Possibly.

  12. Sweet: Possibly.

  13. Sharing: Possibly.

  14. Responsible: No.

  15. Trustworthy: Yes.

  16. Open-minded: I try.

  17. Creative: I try.

  18. Cute: I try.

  19. Slick: No.

  20. Smart: Sometimes.

  21. Dumb: No.

  22. Evil: No.

  23. Ghetto: No.

  24. Classy: I try.

  25. Photogenic: I don't think I am.

  26. Dependable: I try.

  27. Greedy: ...sometimes

  28. Ugly: I think I am.

  29. Messy: Sometimes.

  30. Neat: No.

  31. Perverted: I could be.

  32. Silly: Yes.

  33. A B****: No.

  34. A Good Listener: Yes

  35. A Fighter: No.

  36. A Party Animal: No.

  37. A Game Freak: Yes.

  38. A Computer Freak: Sorta.

Section Fourteen: Future

  1. Dream job: Manga artist.

  2. Dream house: Two-story home

  3. Husband/Wife: Sure?

  4. Kids: Why not?

  5. Names: What of them?

  6. Pets: Dog

  7. Car: Depends.

  8. Age you would want to get married: When it's appropriate

  9. Best Man/Bride's Maid: Dunno.

  10. Honeymoon: Not sure?

Section Fifteen: Your friends

  1. Best friend: Someone near by.

  2. Known the longest: My best friend.

  3. Craziest: One of my friends sure.

  4. Loudest: That depends.

  5. Shyest: Me.

  6. Best hair: Dunno.

  7. Best eyes: Dunno.

  8. Best body: Dunno.

  9. Most Athletic: Dunno.

  10. Hot-Tempered: Dunno.

  11. Most impatient: Dunno.

  12. Shortest: Dunno.

  13. Tallest: Dunno.

  14. Skinniest: Dunno.

  15. Best singer: Dunno.

  16. Funniest: Dunno.

  17. Can always make you laugh: Dunno.

  18. Wish you talked to more: Doesn't matter.

  19. Wish you saw more: Everyone!

  20. Who drives you insane after a while: Dunno.

  21. Who you can stay around forever and never get sick of: Depends.

  22. Ever lose a friend because you took it to the 'next level': Huh?

  23. Whose always been there when you need them: I can name someone.

  24. Who is like your family: Those I consider close?

  25. How many friends do you have?: Dunno.

  26. How many are really close? Dunno.

Section Sixteen: The last

  1. Thing you ate: Carne Asada Fries.

  2. Thing you drank: Horchata

  3. Thing you wore: Blouse & jeans.

  4. Thing you did: Went out.

  5. Place you went: Mexican food restaurant?

  6. Thing you got pierced or tattooed: Ears.

  7. Person you saw: My cousin.

  8. Person you hugged: My cousin.

  9. Person you kissed: Huh?

  10. Person you had sex with: What?

  11. Person you talked to online: MiloticBear

  12. Person you talked to on the phone: My cousin.

  13. Song you heard: One of the songs from MLP (recent episode)

  14. Show you saw: Doctor Who

  15. Time you fought with your parents: Its been 7 years.

  16. Time you fought with a friend: Dunno.

  17. Words you said: Take care.

Section Seventeen: Now

  1. What are you eating: Nothing

  2. What are you drinking: Nothing

  3. What are you thinking: This is long...

  4. What are you wearing: Pajamas.

  5. What are you doing: Filling this out while watching Doctor Who.

  6. Hair: Tied up in a ponytail.

  7. Mood: Content.

  8. Listening to: Watching/listening to Doctor Who

  9. Talking to anyone: No one

  10. Watching anything: Doctor Who

Section Eighteen: Yes or No

  1. Are you a vegetarian: No

  2. Are you a carnivore: Yes?

  3. Are you heterosexual: Huh?

  4. Do you like penguins: Sure?

  5. Do you write poetry: I have.

  6. Do you see stupid people: Yes.

  7. You + Me: Huh?

  8. Do you like the Osbournes: Dunno.

  9. Can you see flying pigs: In cartoons?

  10. Do you sleep with stuffed animals on your bed: Yes.

  11. Are you from Afghanistan: No.

  12. Is Christina Aguilera ugly: She's changed...

  13. Are you a zombie: No

  14. Am i annoying you: No

  15. Do you bite your nails: Before.

  16. Can you cross your eyes: No

  17. Do you make your bed in the morning: No

  18. Have you touched someone's private part: Huh?

Section Nineteen: This or That

  1. Winter or Summer: Summer

  2. Spring or Autumn: Autumn

  3. Shakira or Britney: Shakira

  4. MTV or VH1: VH1

  5. Black or White: Gray?

  6. Yellow or Pink: Yellow?

  7. Football or Basketball: Football.

  8. Mobile Phone or Pager: Mobile phone

  9. Pen or Pencil: Pencil

  10. Cold or Hot: Depends

  11. Tattoos or Piercings: Piercings

  12. Inside or Outside: Inside

  13. Weed or Alcohol: Alcohol

  14. Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi

  15. Tape or Glue: Tape

  16. McDonald's or In-n-Out: Depends.

Section Twenty: Opinions

  1. What do you think about classical music: Nice to listen to.

  2. About boy bands: Changes every generation.

  3. About suicide: A cry for help.

  4. About people who try to force their opinions on you: Never a fan.

  5. About teen pregnancy: Too spontaneous.

  6. Where do you think you'll be in 10 years: Can't predict that far ahead...I'll end up disappointed.

  7. Who do you think you'll still be friends with in 5 years: Depends.

  8. About gay men: Whatever?

Section Twenty-One:

  1. Do you have a website: Use to.

  2. Current weather right now: Sunny

  3. Current time: 9:45 pm

  4. Any shout outs: Nope

  5. Last thoughts: Its peaceful.

Journal Meme: 7 out of 7 - Long Q/A?


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