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No stream tonight. Happy Valentine and Draw a Werewolf Day :) by LudoCrow

So, tonight I will not be able to host a stream. To compensate for this, I will try to host stream sessions at 1pm to 5-6pm on saturday and sunday.

Additionally, potentially expect a similar schedule to be put in application for the next week's streaming. Recent weeks have been hard for my income, so I'm starting to look into a new job. However, new job means slowly easing into a "proper job schedule" and with the current stream schedule I can't get the sleep for it.
This said, if there are any amongst you who lives in Europe, I hope this will give you folks a chance to watch my stream... and I hope I won't disapoint you.

Now that this small spiel is said, I would like to wish everyone a happy valentine, whether or not you are with anyone.
In fact, someone I highly respect potentially best summed up my thoughts on this recently with a simple image and it's description:
"Many people hate Valentines because it reminds them of bad experiences, or they think that love shouldn't be confined to a specific day, or something like that. It's usually because the thoughts of things like that are painful, or some folks just like to turn their nose at tradition.

All I can really say is that today isn't about singles or couples or even about YOU. It's about love. It's a day to remind everyone to be thankful for the people that love them, be it parents or siblings or spouses or significant others or pet rats... heck, even if you're a narcissist who can't love anyone but yourself, at least that's something.

So happy Valentines. I love you.

I love you" by Genesis Whitmore, also known as littletales here on Weasyl :)

On another note, not only is it Valentine's day today, but it is also Draw A Werewolf Day.

So for werewolves lovers out there, you know what to do :)

No stream tonight. Happy Valentine and Draw a Werewolf Day :)


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