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Quick Update by Threetails

Taking a quick break from my project to post a general life update.

Health- I'm probably going to be OK. After quitting the allergy meds I had been on, my pulse is back to normal and the discomfort I've been feeling is probably due to a swollen lymph node which the doctor suspects may have been caused by cat scratches. I've got a course of antibiotics to take, hopefully that'll help. My stomach hasn't been great and I've been terribly anxious, but this is midterms week, after all.

Midterms- Speaking of midterms, I probably did OK on my Venetian art exam though I'll be surprised if I exceeded a C+. Still working on my medieval history essay but it's going well and I anticipate a good grade all around.

Writing- Writing has kind of taken a back seat the last week or two. This is my first term back after my health took a nosedive late last year so I'm kind of having to devote what little energy I have into passing my courses.

Anyhow, back to work.

Quick Update


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  • Link

    Oh, thank goodness about your health!
    I remember reading you writing about it, wondering how things were going to turn out.
    It took me a session to remember that C+ counts as "doing OK".
    Which is great, since I just got one and I was looking for permission to feel OK about it, which I'm taking this as. :)

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      I'm probably low-balling my grades. Given my past history it'll probably be a high B but I felt like I didn't know the material as well as I should.

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    Good to see you're feeling better!