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Everything just seems to be going wrong by Susiron

Katsucon's this Friday and everything just seems to be falling apart at the seams.
First, I fuck up big with Paypal and have to ignore my commissions to regain lost funds.
Second, I get sick with a bad sinus infection-- that is still pretty gnarly, days later.
Third, I learn it's supposed to snow-- a lot-- the day before and that will probably fuck with getting to the con (although the site for the convention insists that it will go on regardless of the weather.)

And now, as icing on the cake, I find out that I fucked up-- big. I've been planning to go to the convention with my friend, Katelyn. She's helped me shop for supplies, drives me around, and was gonna help me with the table. But I just went to reread the con rules regarding display constructions and I realized that 1/2 tables don't allow assistants. It says that everyone behind the table needs an artist badge and 1/2 tables only provide 1...
And I just-- I don't know how I missed that rule. I don't fucking know how I overlooked it. I don't know why it didn't occur to me that I needed to look into rules regarding assistants and other people behind your table and I just... I feel so fucking awful right now.
She literally can't help me with the con, and that's what we've centered this entire thing around. I'm gonna be by myself, and, worse still, SHE'S going to either be by herself or with my sister-- who she doesn't know very well and will likely be uncomfortable around.
I just feel so stupid and terrible right now I'm starting to get disoriented and disassociative and I'm just sitting here crying at 5am, wondering how I overlooked something so blatant and obvious.
She's sleeping right now so she won't hear of it yet, but I know once she does she'll be upset and uncomfortable and perhaps a little angry and she has every right to be
I feel so low now that I could almost just give up on the Artist Alley this time and cut my losses and stay with her the entire duration of the con, but I've poured so much money into this and already paid for the table and I literally can't afford to do that.
I just-- I just hope she understands and is okay with either wandering by herself, or sticking with my sister.
I'll probably close up shop early so I can hang with her-- and maybe even not do Sunday at all so we could have something of a full day at the con together.
Fuck. Just fuck. I feel so stupid and useless and terrible right now I just want to curl into a ball.

Everything just seems to be going wrong


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  • Link

    Ack, I wish I could help! D: The best advice I can give is to not put too much stock into your friends' supposed reactions until you get their actual reactions. Friends are usually way nicer than we expect/deserve.

    /gives you a giant virtual hug/

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    It's an honest mistake :c
    Even if she does get upset about it, I'm sure she'll realise that and be ok.. But wow, I find it very silly that the con doesn't allow for assistants. But yes, like mugen said, wait for their reaction before feeling like you've gotten their reaction. And if you really can set aside time to hang out, I'm sure that will make up for it too, but she will know you didn't do this on purpose if you just explain the miscommunication!

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    awwww, it's ok, everyone makes mistakes once in a while :'(

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    Oh Sus, I'm sorry. That's a really easy mistake to make. She should understand.

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    The best thing you could do is tell her right away. Everyone makes mistakes, it's what makes us human :u Sucks that the con doesn't allow assistants though. How about an interweb hug?

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    Aaa. :C The rule about assistants is so stupid. Ugh.

    As for your friend...I obviously don't know her, but she should understand it was a mistake that anyone could make. BUT maybe she could unofficially hang around your table a lot? Maybe don't involve her in ~official~ stuff like taking money, but there probably aren't clear-cut rules about who can socialize with who, you know?

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    This is awful to hear. D: Over the past week I've gone through some horrible uncomfortable con-prep-involving-other-people issues myself so I know how stressful it can be-- I hope your friend is okay and that you guys are able to work something out that doesn't make anybody feel hurt or uncomfortable.

  • Link

    Oh no, that's no fun at all! Well, the only thing you can do is try not to make the same mistake in the future. But try not to beat yourself up about it. You'll feel bad and your friend will feel bad, but all you can do is make the best out of the situation, and berating yourself for an honest mistake won't help. I hope she'll understand and will be ok with however she chooses to spend the con. And as for you, just do your best. -hugs-

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    That's a really stupid rule for the con to have, I've never even heard of assistants not being allowed. I'm sure your friend will understand, and in the end I know you guys will have something worked out for the con. I've yet to sell at one myself, but I've heard a lot of artists learning a whole their first time around and making mistakes, and that's okay.

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    Hhh I feel you on the weather, my bus to katsu was cancelled and I had to reschedule for friday morning which wastes a whole day of hotel payment and setting up.....
    Katsu seems to be one of the most anal cons I've sold at... HOWEVER, I think if you can't convince the people, you might be able to at least have her chill by the table... either that, or MAYBE youll be able to spot someone at AA who has a full and is by themselves? possibly offer to pay them some for their extra badge if they have it. Don't see it as all lost, keep her [and your] spirits up with options, it could very well work out just fine, you know? :c