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VancouFur meme by daitenshi

Stolen from WereMagnus


The Main Con Hotel: Executive Inn.


Arrive Thursday and Leaving Monday

Means of transportation

Vroom vroom (my car)

Sharing a room with

Spice Wulf Grey Wulf Squeaky Dragon & This Pup

Who do you hang out with?

The guys above, as well as Tricksy Yote and Tankwolf sometimes. I tend to follow artists around, but I like hanging out with anyone really. ^^


Dork err... Dude


I'll hang with anyone.

Relationship Status


How old are you?

23 rotations

How tall are you?

6 ft-ish

Are you an Artist?


Do you have an artist table?

Yes! I'll be in the Artist Alley on Sunday! (Please be kind... ;w; )

Do you take commissions?

Yes, i'll be taking commissions on Sunday and I'm also open for a couple badges right now, check out my journal here!.

Do you do trades?

Sure, just ask!

Are you a Fursuiter?

Nope, maybe in the future.

Attending parties?

Nothing planned, but I'm open...

Do you drink?


Can I buy you a drink?

I don't have a problem with that. ^^

Do you smoke?


Are you attending any panels?

Yup! Keep an eye on my Twitter (@daitenpuma) if you wanna see where i'll be.

Stage or public performance?

I hope not!

How do I identify my self to you?

Just say 'Hi!' I won't bite... most likely...!

Rules of engagement (physical contact)?

Hugs are fine. Maybe don't surprise me though... I'm a cat... I'm jumpy...

How can I find you?

Keep and eye on my Twitter (@daitenpuma) or come find me in the Artist Alley on Sunday

Can I talk to you?


Can I give you lots of money?

No. Just commissions and new friend!

Can I give you stuff?

What'cha got in mind? I like bubble tea~

Can I hug or snuggle with you?

Hugs - OK. Snuggles... that's very conditional.

Can I come to dinner with you?

Depends on the situation I guess, but I'm usually open.

Can I hang out with you?

Sure, but I'm not going to draw you poon. =P

Can I take your picture?

If I'm out in a public area, sure, but if I'm in a room or private function, ask first please!

How do I know if you're not looking to socialize (angry, busy or upset)?

Look for the puma with a paper bag on his head.

Personality Type?

Generally friendly and engaging.

What's your goal for the con this year?

Have a fun time, maybe make some new friends, and get some experience at a table~


VancouFur meme


Journal Information
