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HHhh (no stream today due to shitthroat) by Jin&Tonic

woke up today straight up unable to talk for a sore throat. Gonna just not stream today and try to get some rest. x_x In the meantime, anyone have some sore throat remedies they’d care to impart? Other than spend money on a doctor, that is.

HHhh (no stream today due to shitthroat)


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    Honey, just like a tablespoon should help immediately with your symptoms for a little bit. And the number one cause of a sore throat is irritation/inflammation wombocombo so
    1) drink lots of nice hydrating water or warm teas
    2) take an anti-inflammatory like aleive, tylenol, or asprin
    3) stay away from spicy foods, scratchy foods, and carbonated drinks
    4) if it's a really bad hurt, grab some cepacol spray, which will numb your throat

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      Warm tea and honey is good.

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        Yeah 8D

        I usually just eat the honey before drinking my tea, mixing honey with fluids changes it's chemical composition a bit and I find the plain ol' stuff by itself has better a numbing quality.

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          Also time is an important factor, I would say, time to heal, time to change, just like that guy in the Steven Seagal movie where Steven Seagal punches the guy in the nose so hard he stops being racist.

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    Gargle salt water, that will help. Don't drink that shit though, ew.

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    Gargle anti-septic (some mouthwashes are anti-septic, pretty much perfect), or something very alcoholic/rubbing alcohol

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    Lemon-ginger tea with honey helps a lot. Green tea is good too with added lemon and honey. Go raid the tea basket!

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      Way ahead of ya!

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    gargling warm-salt water.

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    Sir, protest that 'shitthroat' is not an actual medical condition and there fore demand you continue arting. Also, honey and tea. Like they said. Or a toilet brush soaked in bleach...hey, there have been times it's sounded like a good idea.