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Some Thoughts by winter-oleander

I guess I really just need to explore the site some more and all that because I still find myself wondering "What even are collections?"

I would guess that they're, you know, collections of stuff. But aren't folders also collections of stuff?


I watched Ender's Game for the first time. Holysnot, that is a cool movie. The book is now on my list of Things I Must Read at Least Once Before I Die. God, I just want to go back and watch it over and over. Such a good freaking movie.

Does anyone else ever have those moments where you want to respond to something, be it a picture or a journal or anything else, and you hesitate because you aren't sure that you should, either being a new watcher/follower or for any other reason? Sometimes I feel like I must be the only person in the world who does that, though I know I'm not. There are way too many people on the planet for me to be the only one.

I want to be sociable, but I guess I just worry sometimes that I'm being too sociable? Does that even make sense? I don't remember being so socially awkward as a kid. Making friends was no more difficult than talking. I was always pretty shy around adults and kids that seemed better than me at stuff. But there were always at least some kids that I could talk to no problem. These days it feels like trying to make friends is akin to pulling teeth almost.

I dunno, maybe that's just something that happens as you grow up? But I know that can't be it because there are plenty of adults who are still good at making friends or who have learned to be good at that sort of stuff.

I think I probably just worry too much.

Some Thoughts


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