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work is draining me by tooiebird

So I work 3rd shift. Which wasn't bad at first. Because I can stay up all night. But now that I've done it for about a year and a half, I'm ready to work during the day again. (yes I am slowly looking for another job, that's not the point of this journal)

I hate going to bed at 7am and waking up at like 3 or 4pm and then having to leave for work around 930. I feel like my day is wasted. I feel like I can't get anything done in that 5 or so hours. Especially in the winter. I almost never see the sun. This schedule is just draining me of my motivation, my energy to get up and do things. I rarely sit down at my computer anymore because I feel like I don't have the time to. I just lay in bed and use my ipad to play games and be on twitter. And I feel like I sleep forever. I've gotten to the point where I turn off my alarm and roll over, or I just reset it for a later time. Or I'll press snooze over and over and over and over. I'm so tired. I could probably crawl back in bed right now and fall asleep for a few more hours.
I haven't drawn my daily pokemon in about a week now because work picked back up (I only had like 1-2 days a week in the beginning of January). Hell, I haven't drawn a whole lot for a few weeks..

I need to focus on art. I know this. I'm thinking about cutting back on my ipad use because I really do need to. But, like I said, I just don't have the energy to draw. Or the ideas. I'm in a rut :C

So does anyone have any advice for getting/staying motivated. Finding energy to do things?

work is draining me


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    No advice because I have similar issues with work and school stuff draining me. Today was the first day in a long while I sat down and really did some art stuff but I feel bad because I had to put off homework to do it.

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      Ugh, homework. No fun. :C
      I think I need to actually make art like, a priority thing to do. I need to do it every day, instead of I should do it every day.

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    I have a lot of problems with this, too. If I make sure I get some sunlight, I usually end up being pretty productive. Showers are supposed to increase productivity, so maybe if you usually shower before you sleep, switch it around so you shower when you wake up? Try putting your alarm further away from the bed so that you have to physically get out of bed to turn off the alarm. Sometimes I ask someone to call me at a certain time if I want to make sure I get up - for some reason phonecalls are a surefire way to get me out of bed, I wake up immediately. There are apps you can download that require you to solve a simple math problem before you can turn your alarm off, too, if you use your phone for your alarm.

    I promised myself I would start getting up before noon every day and the one day I didn't so far, felt awful and got up a few minutes afterward. I'm really good at guilting myself, though, so I guess that's my motivation, haha...

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      good ideas. I'll try to move my phone across the room.
      I wish I could get up before noon. I've learned that I usually feel most rested after like 10 hours of continuous sleep instead of 8 (but when I break it up into two 4 hour blocks I do okay?) Maybe I could try doing that sort of schedule and sleeping before I go to work as well as after.
      And I usually have leftover energy from work but I don't want to stay awake too long in case I have work that night and don't get enough sleep.

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    Since Justina and I moved to third shift a few weeks ago, I've had to solve this problem for myself. I was surprised by how much my perception of life and time has changed just by working at night.

    I take the most important things I have to do that day, list them in order of importance, and then do them. Without that I waste away night by night!

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      I've tried to do that and make to-do lists planning out things I need to get done hourly even. I just... don't ever feel like doing it. Getting out of bed being the hardest.

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        Oh. Is this one of those things where you don't actually want something enough to push yourself to do it? I can't help with those kinds of issues (especially when I fight that issue daily!).

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          yeah it's hard. no motivation whatsoever :c

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            I'm sorry to hear that. Hope you don't stay burnt out on your goals for long.

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    I've been working 2nd shift at a part-time gig and it's killing me after only a few months, frankly.

    Everyone is different, but I find I am super productive for pretty much the entire day if I am up around 5:30 AM. This assumes that I went to bed early enough to get my 8+ hours! My day ends around 8:30 PM, and after a short time, I realized I wasn't missing anything by going to bed that early.

    I was able to do this for a couple of months during the autumn before I started my current job and that cycle seems to line up perfectly with what I need. After a week or so on that schedule, I felt like a new man. I was sleeping peacefully, waking up refreshed, and just flying through everything that I needed to get finished; I felt like I had more done by 8AM than I'd accomplish in an entire day after sleeping late. Nothing else that I have tried seems to have anywhere near the same effect, and sleeping past 9AM makes most of the day a waste.

    A lot of the people who excel with ridiculous workloads and high-pressure jobs also seem to rise early and get plenty of sleep. I don't think this is a coincidence!