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ConFuzzled 2014 Meme by CosmoSnowmew

It's that time again, folks!
Stolen from lockian

Where are you staying?
The con hotel

What day are you getting there?
The day before the official start of the con (Early Arrival). Gives me a night to recover from the train journey and forget how close I am to my employer's head office! D:

Who will you be with?
Mikune Folf, Arctic Steve, possibly a few other Leeds furs.

Do you do free art or trades?
Do badly-drawn stick figures count?

Do you do commissions/badges?
You really wouldn't pay for my quality of art ^^;

Do you have prints/CDs?
{IMG NOPE.gif. /}

Do you have art in the art show?
I may be tempted to look through my wildlife photos. I have some stunning big cat photos which would fit well with the convention's announced charity.

What suit will you have with you?
Cosmo the Snow Leopard. Possibly the rebuilt Syrrus Fox if I manage to finish the parts I need in time for CFZ (and organise transport!)

Can I dance with you?
Sure, as long as you lead :)

What is your gender?
Male. Guy. Thing.

How old are you?
Late 20s.

How tall are you?
Six foot and a couple of inches. All my tape measures agree on "six foot summat" but none of them can decide on the value of "summat" :P

Are you mated? in a relationship?
Mated?! *cringe*
No, I'm single (and straight, before you ask). Not really looking, but that doesn't mean I'm not interested :3

Can I talk to you?

Can I hug you?
If I'm in fursuit? Absolutely! But no tackle-hugs, glomps or Tactical Glomps, thanks. A polite "excuse me, may I have a hug?" would be appreciated :3

Can I take photos of you/with you?
Absolutely -- as long as you're willing to email me a copy after the 'con :D

Can I buy you lots of drinks?
Coffee? Can I have coffee? COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE!

Do you drink Alcohol/Smoke?
Alcohol - in moderation, and only of you're willing to match it one-to-one by volume with some form of soft drink (or water). I'm a bit of a lightweight :D
Smoke - Never in a million, trillion years. Losing several relatives to smoking-related illness has made me a life-long non-smoker.

Can I give you lots of money?
If you must, though I'll have to ask you why you think I should have it ^^;

Can we hang out?
Sure :D

Are you nice?
I hope so! :D

Where will you be most of the time during the con?
Socialising with friends in whatever bar, restaurant or other social areas the hotel has to offer.

Other cons you may go to?
ScotiaCon is looking likely.

Who are you rooming with?
Mikune Folf

Attending any events?
I'll let you know when the provisional events list has been released :D

How can I find you at the con?
Look for a six-foot snow leopard who's complaining about missing breakfast because the otters ate all the feesh :P

Are you doing anything re. the Theme?
I was thinking about it, but certain events which I won't go into have made this impossible.

ConFuzzled 2014 Meme


Journal Information



  • Link

    See you there! ^ ^

  • Link

    You guys are making me want to do my CFz meme.. it's too dang early! >.<