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Life update + birthday by AdriOfTheDead

Hey, wizzles, I just thought I'd pop in to let everyone here know that I'm still alive; these past two weeks have been just a whirlwind of bullshit, it's unbelievable. All while trying to MOVE, if that weren't enough. (If you're interested in the sordid details, you can find them on my Tumblr blog I haven't been able to work this week at all because AT&T pushed back our scheduled install date (I'm currently writing this from the local McDonalds). And, because my work is changing up its pay schedule I have to wait an additional week for my paycheck. Long story short, thanks to other peoples' incompetence I find myself somewhat short on post-move funds.

If anybody is interested in tossing a few bucks my way via paypal just to help get through the week, that would be awesome. My paypal address is adriofthedead(at)gmail(dot)com or, if you'd rather send money with a debit or credit card there's a donation button on my main blog at the link above. I normally feel like a heel asking but if you're uncomfortable with donating or you can't, you're in no way obligated to. I just figure it wouldn't hurt to put the word out.

Anyway! It's also my birthday on the 10th. Between everything that happened in the past month I'm actually looking forward to my birthday this year. Weird.

Life update + birthday


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    Sorry to hear life is giving you a tough time right now. Got a party planned for your birthday? I hope things start to look up for you.

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    I'll see if I can get a few bucks your way soon; I hope everything gets sorted!!

    Also happy early birthday wooo

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    Happy birthday! Hope things improve soon.

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