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Happy Halloween, everyone! by KajTaotsu

Happy Halloween, Blessed Samhein, Happy Hallow's Eve, Dia de los Muertos etc!

Today's the day where the spirits come to play amongst the living, so try not to be too frightened if you see some strange faces out there :3

How is everyone? Hope you're doing well, as I am atm. Getting decorations and supplies ready for a party tonight, so I'm pretty excited. How're you celebrating the day? Anyone gonna dress up in costume?

As for recipe updates, what is on my profile right now is all of what I have posted on other sites at the moment. I have about...7-8 photos on my desktop waiting to be accompanied and resized with instructions, so don't think I'm slackin too much =P that said, I am slightly behind with weekly recipes because of homework and time management, but today should hopefully take a chunk out of that. Maybe a few pumpkin recipes for y'all?

Anyways, gotta keep getting ready, find some recipes, and start cookin cuz it's gonna be one hell of a night!

Stay safe and have fun!

Happy Halloween, everyone!


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    Happy Halloween mister tiger, have fun at the party

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      Hope your night goes well, hon <3 -hugs-