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Upcoming events. by slushpuppy

So my hiatus from (slightly) more regular posts of art will be ending soon! I'm trying to make sure I have some sketches ready to post as soon as I am in a position to do so.

This is my last weekend of 'homelessness'. We're hoping to get moved into our new place on Tuesday. Meaning I'll likely unpack the studio on Wednesday night, and hopefully get to scan stuff on Thursday. I have to work on Friday, so it's likely I won't be able to do much then.

The idea is that things go well and I'll be staying put for two or three years. I am hopeful that this is the case, but you never know. It's approaching 1 year since I've had a stable place to live, and I'm ready to chill out for a while.

"The Project" is scooting along, I had put it down in September for other projects and only picked it up again about two weeks ago when I was ousted from my place in the woods. I can't really do much drawing where I'm currently staying because the lighting in this room is so terrible. I can't paint here at all. It's tiny and cramped and J and I want OUT. So we end up leaving and driving around for several hours a day just to not be in here...

My Comic is halted as far as drawing pages goes. But I've been busy jotting down what the characters are to appear like and doing the writing aspect of that project. So while it's slowed down, it's far from stopped and what I'm doing now will speed it up when I do start working on pages again.

I guess that's that.

except to mention Weasyl is ok. I don't get much traffic here, but that's to be expected as of this moment. I have a lot of the same complaints other do I think, the way I can't select sections to delete, I have to either select all or individually. But that's minor. I really do NOT like the forced thumbnails. I tend to look at the composition of a piece and decide if I want a closer look... and now I only get a tiny portion, which may mean i skip looking at some awesome pictures.

Upcoming events.


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  • Link

    It will all be okay :)

    Also, hihihihihihi hihihihihihihi hi

    • Link

      I sure hope so. This month has been so dry as far as work goes :(

  • Link

    It's been a while, I have missed seeing you around. Looking forward to seeing your work soon. Also, you can just click continue to skip making a custom thumbnail out of the image.

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      Oh I just make it encompass as much of the image as I can, but it means I don't see the whole picture on previews of other's images. And that really kills the browsing process for me :(

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        I know, that is why I usually don't bother with thumbnails.

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      Also, I'm really surprised anyone noticed I was missing at all!! XD