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Current OL Plot by JayNaylor

People who assume that the latest page of a plot arc represents its conclusion really peeve me. It's like walking out of a movie at the Major Setback stage of the screenplay, and telling everyone the movie had a sad ending. I understand how it is when you only see two new pages a week (which is all I can do for free with my schedule), and the latest update just hangs out for a number of days. There've been times when I've toyed with the idea of building up eight pages in a month and releasing them at once, or releasing four pages a month, twice a month, but since many people catch up on the comic that way, anyway, I think it's best to leave it to the reader's individual preference.

Anyway, it's just a little current vent of mine. Go about your business. :3

Current OL Plot


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    Next page is just THE END written in bold red font.

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      And then that is exactly what happens.

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    And then the next page is the last, then the one after that, after that, after that....

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    I LOVE your free Web Comic, personally. I have really enjoyed reading Better Days and keeping up with Original Life. I have my favorite characters, and I have my story arc preferences, but the whole story is so creative and so much fun to read, I can't complain about any of it. I appreciate your venting and I look forward to more, cause even they are interesting.

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    I always know that until I see the comic move on to a new arc, the current one isn't over, and I haven't seen that happen yet so I know the current arc is still on-going. People unfortunetlly like jumping the gun at times and will make assumptions without all the facts.

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    I used to write "to be cont." on the bottom of each page until I realized that was silly.

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      Yeah. It also presumes that everyone is following along with every new page, instead of reading a bunch at once, or reading an entire archive at once.

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        It would be convenient if the to be continued tab moved to each new page as it was posted until you closed the story arc.

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    If only the US congress had such skill. Folk would be rushing home to their TV sets to catch the latest and greatest of the inner workings of Washington... Errr... on second thought, it would perhaps make better for late night soft porn flicks, concerning the last few years.

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    I actually like the cliff hanger, makes me rather excited to see how aron reacted to finding out audrey had a penis :3 can't wait to find out friday jay~ keep being awesome.

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    Ha ha! Idiots! I'm absolutely loving this story, last Friday's comic had me in stitches, I could not wait until Monday came ... and then you threw a curveball, brilliant, just brilliant. Yes, we all know your art is fantastic, but your story telling is up there too. Bravo.

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    I had both assumed and been hoping there would be more to this arc

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    Okay, I really like his attitude in Friday's comic. Well done!