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Hello, Weasyl. :) by Soba

A big hello to everyone. :)

While I've known about Weasyl since the early days, I only now decided to set up shop here given the current mess on FA. I'm not leaving FA, but I figured it would do some good to spread my wings a bit and follow a handful of artists I watch who have migrated.

I never uploaded commissions or gift art to my FA gallery because of the utter lack of organizational features there; I didn't want others' art commingled with my own work - which thus far has been nonexistent. Maybe someday... But thanks to Weasyl's folders, I intend to upload some of the beautiful work that I have commissioned / received over the years. I'll be posting some of that in the near future as time permits.

Because of my job search and some rather enormous personal problems, I have been very inactive on FA for the last 6 months and have not been keeping up too well with people. So how is everyone doing?

Hello, Weasyl. :)


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  • Link

    Yaayyy, more people realizing they need backups on the internet!

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      Haha, my files are safe! I just want to share some of the art with everyone else so they can enjoy it, too. :)

      • Link

        I mean in terms of FA going down, people realizing they should post elsewhere so their art is around in case FA has another one of those downtimes lasting many months.

        • Link

          Ohh. Indeed, in that case, it's definitely a good idea; asking whether FA will have another major outage is like wondering whether the sun will rise tomorrow. :P

  • Link

    Hooray! Finally able to see more Soba this way! :D

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      Curiously, much of the art I have in my convention sketchbook is not of me! But some of it is. :)

  • Link

    Hooray! :3

    Also, with Weasyl's Collections system, when commissioned artists or friends post works for you, they can send it to your "collections" (with your approval of course). This means that there doesn't need to be multiple uploads of the same image.

    That being said, you can set your page to display your collections instead of submissions in your settings.

    • Link

      Thanks, buddy! I already knew about Collections, but I think it's a really handy feature.

      In this case, I'll probably be the one sharing it and not the artist; much of this art doesn't exist in digital format at all, yet!

  • Link

    I hope things start looking up for you real soon! You deserve nothing but the best - you're always so supportive and friendly. :3

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      Thank you so much for the kind words. I'm sure things will start looking up! It always helps to have nice friends to keep me going. :)