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The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot by Tankana

Yes, exactly what the title says.

So, i'm an artist of my own kind. I don't draw nor write (while that is actually untrue i DO write, but not in artistic ways), i play games instead, mainly computer games. I don't play them in a professional manner but more because it's fun (games=fun. If you play only to win because win=fun, then join a championship!! Don't destroy the gameplay for the rest of us) and i try to do something fun of it. For example, rather than just playing the game, i tend to do some exploring that is not actually the purpouse of the game, i testing things, or just fool around within the game just to see how well built the game is (for example running across a bridge and there is a river of lava below it, can i actually jump down the bridge into the lava or is there an invisible barrier preventing you from taking detours because the creators of the game didn't bother to make an actual background environment but instead only made the animation for one).
That being said, i often search for new games, some impress me more while other impress me less. Believe me when i say it, graphic is a VERY small part of why a game is great, just ask Mojang (the creator of MineCraft).
A friend tipped me off about a game i should try: *The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot*

So i said "Woooow, the game titel ALONE makes me want to play it!"

I'm an old Warcraft nerd so the word *"epic"* is kind of special in that way.
Forgive me if i link to outside of Weasyl, but i posted another journal a while back on my FA account, lightly explaining "epic".
The journal can be found here:

I could recommend this game, it was actually quite fun for casual play.


The Mighty Quest For Epic Loot


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