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do my research for me magic internets by darkaldebaran

so - how do you set your weasyl so that you dont get the full size image when you go to an image page - i just want to preview it before committing to downloading it

(i know i could go to the forums to ask this question but yeah right) ^.^

while were at it you can tell me why the site is eating the caret signs

do my research for me magic internets


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    the caret thing is weird

    ok so weasyl's formatting is done with markdown, which if you don't know is a sorta formalized syntax that grew out of ad-hoc text-only formatting, like using *asterisks* for emphasis. and if you did know that sorry for the patronization

    anyway if you want one of these formatting dingbats to appear literally, you have to prepend it with a backslash thus: \

    so to surround a word with asterisks i have to type \*asterisks\* into the box

    anyway, turns out ^ is markdown-ese for superscript, which is why the rest of your emoticon is appearing shrunk and elevated

    but here's the bug report: the markdown previewer that shows what your journal will look like as you type it doesn't understand carets. but the server-side code that renders your post does

    so it's a bug i guess

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    AFAIK unless you're using a userscript (like this one) weasyl already shows lower res versions of fullsize pics (at least over a certain resolution). You don't download the fullsize until you actually click on the image.

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      so you are saying i am only IMAGINING the full size images i am being served

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        Not exactly. Let's experiment here - is the image on this page smaller than the image that loads when you click it?

        Other useful info: what browser are you using, and what's your monitor resolution?

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          the image is smaller, but barely smaller - was really hoping for something the size of the preview on FA - i mean some of these 'previews' are like a meg and a half

          and frankly that only bewilders me further that my 300K upload will be too slow for the site to recognize - i can understand them throttling me down if i'm uploading too -quickly- but there is no reason to drop me if i'm taking more than ten seconds to upload something - that is just poor coding

          my screen is 1280x1024 - which again is like, if people have 4x that then they are using a resolution with detail their eyes can't even register - but supposedly everyone is on smartphones now and they have a tiny screen that cant begin to show the detail in an image file that huge so this is all just masturbation - no one -needs- any of this >.<

          nice picture by the way :)

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            Thanks! and yeah, I see what you're saying. The "standard" monitor size these days for web design seems to be 1920x1080, so I suspect they're modeling it after that (and people with fast connections). The mobile site actually has nice, responsive design, and always renders previews a viewable resolution. Honestly I always found FA's way of handling previews to be useless, because I typically got enough of an idea about the image from the thumbnail that I already wanted to see the full view right away. Weasyl's thumbnails are sometimes less informative, but certain "thumbnail image preview" browser addons can help that too. It would be nice if Weasyl could add an option for changing the size of your previews, but I suspect that'd require adding an extra pass of their resize script on millions of images.