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Getting To Know Me(me) by rabidraccoon

What's your real name?
John! Boring, I know.

How tall are you?
5' 11"

What's your natural hair color?
Dark brown

What's your eye color?

What's your orientation?

Are you single, taken or undecided?
Taken. \owo/

What do you do in your spare time?
I read, draw, watch shows, or stumble through Tumblr and Twitter.

What's your job or occupation?
Full-time student, hunting for a job. x3

What do you like about yourself?
I have ridiculous hair and a flair for the ridiculously over dramatic. /=w=/

What do you dislike about yourself?
I'm terrifically anxious and people somehow find me intimidating. :I

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
My hair. Either that or the fact that I was far shyer than their first impression of me, haha

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
I'm agnostic.

Do you drink?
Yes! I prefer beer.

Do you smoke?
Rarely if ever. When I do, it's hookah.

What are your major fears?
Needles and heights. @w@ Also rollercoasters, mostly for the heights thing.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
Yes to both, haha. Several. @w@

Do you have any dreams or goals?
I hope to find a decent job that will allow me to focus on a possible art career after getting out of college. ;w; If that happens, I'd love to practice animation or comic making.

Who's your best buddy?
I have literally so many I can't list them all here. ;w;

What's your favorite dish?
Pad thai! Seriously, I nearly have a problem.

What's your favorite drink?
A microbrew called Circus Boy-- a hefeweizen from Magic Hat.

What's your favorite color?
I /love/ warm colors. My favorites are shades of red, orange, and yellow. @w@

If you had a super power, what would it be?
Indestructibility and super strength. >:U

What's your least favorite food?
Mostly bitter vegetables-- also, ham and pineapple pizza. >:I

What's the last meal you want before you die?
Chicken and dumplings, biscuits, and like all of the sweet tea.

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I currently don't drive, though I'd love to have a motorcycle.

What is your most disliked bug?
Wasps- I know they're beneficial, but they terrify the crap out of me. @w@

What is your most liked bug?
Beetles and moths! Mostly beetles, as they're just so interesting- my favorites being atlas and goliath beetles. c:

Pet peeves?
-Chewing/eating/being too close to the microphone during calls (jesus christ we don't need to hear every one of your biological processes /move the mic awaaaaaay from yo face/)
-Complaining bitterly about something and then doing nothing about it / saying "oh nothing's wrong" and not explaining rrrrrrrgh
-Saying something that I don't hear and going "oh nevermind" in a defeated way when I ask what was said (oh man this is the fastest way to get something thrown at you)
-Trying to talk to me while I'm in a call and forcing me into two separate conversations (this is a new one but /holy fuck/)
-Talking over people (I don't mind being talked over, it happens, but if someone else is clearly speaking and someone just blurts something out over them I want to throw things /they let you speak LET THEM/)
-Various and sundry other things that raise my blood pressure @w@

What do you love in life?
My fiance, friends, food, art, my two ferrets, and experiencing new things.

What do you dislike in life?
Anxiety and taxes.

Getting To Know Me(me)


Journal Information



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  • Link

    Whaaaat do you study, if I may ask?
    And what about your hair?
    See, just more questions!xD

    And I share your petpeeves! You are actually the first non-finn friend who has the "talking over someone else"-peeve. All tho, I also hate when people interrupt me.

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      Haha, oh man-- it's much like how you depict yours, but much less tame.
      As for what I'm studying, I'm in class for Information Technology management and planning! ;w; I'm going to graduate in a few months.
      And yeah, I can be talked over on occasion, that's fine-- I'll just huff and let them finish speaking and then go back to what I was saying. I have friends, however, who are really soft-spoken and just get talked over blatantly, right in the middle of them saying stuff, and it makes my blood boil-- I'll literally bring the interrupter to a screeching halt so the soft-spoken friend can get a few words in edgewise. x3

      • Link

        Ow wow! We are so the same with dat hair!8D Most people always say it is eitehr my hair or my voice that they remeber the best. Both fuzzy and loud in volume ;^;

        Wow! Respects on the studies!

        And respects on the stand up too!<3

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    Orientation: BI


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    You apparently have gorgeous hair. How fascinating. And your pet peeves are similar to mine. XD

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    I'm generally whatever about being talked over (I'm used to it at this point) but it frustrates me to no end when I keep trying to tell people something and they wont listen, or they put something on while I try to say it, or they interrupt me every time, and after about six-eight RESTARTS I just give up and shut up

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      You're far more relaxed than I am, as I'd get to the point where I'd literally start calling people out for being dicks if it got that far, haha x3

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        I've got a bad habit of being really cavalier about stuff most other people would be upset over. Like. At work I literally have a reputation for being the 'most positive' person just because I never complain and just sorta shrug whenever my breaks/lunches are late or whatever. I wouldnt exactly use the word positive.... it's more like 'almost worrisomely tolerant'.

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    I apologise if I've ever done any of the Pet Peeves things aaa ;w;