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Commission Status for Jan-Feb by Dragondust

• Progress on COMMISSIONS are on hold till February •

I apologize for the lack of updates (uploading nothing but old work). I tried to be more productive last month, but during the last couple of months my boyfriend and I have been looking for a new place. We moved into our current apartment because I had a job in the area. But ever since I was let go it's become increasingly difficult to make rent on freelance alone. Our rent has gone up every year and now the rate is just outrageous for the size of the place, so nuts to that! Luckily my BF has been tenacious and found us a house that's cheaper than our apartment. An actual HOUSE. So we'll be moving out this month. Which means lots of time is being delegated to sorting through all of our crap and packing boxes. I might get some work done on commissioned projects, but I don't want to make any promises I can't keep. Honestly if I have time/energy to draw at all I'd rather not work on a piece someone else has paid for while I'm this distracted.

I'll keep everyone updated on the move through Twitter and Instagram.

And I'll get back to work as soon as I put my office back together in the new place. :)

Commission Status for Jan-Feb


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  • Link

    Good luck. I just moved into my first house and I can tell it's a lot of work =D Take your time, don't feel bad about it

  • Link

    good luck on the move! how exciting! <3