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More about me meme thing =P by Aliehs Slade

What's your real name?
Sheila, nice to meet ya!
-True story: I created the name of my fursona by spelling my real name backwards!

Names you go by?
I have no nick names sadly. I did have a few friends call me Shei...but that just sounds lazy =P

How old are you?
28....I think? LOL!

How old do you feel/act?
18-20 XD This aging thing is not fun.

How tall are you?

What's your natural hair color?
Boring, ugly, mousy brown.

What's your eye color?
Greenish Hazel

What's your orientation?

Are you single, taken or undecided?
Celebrated 6 years of marriage this pas October <3 But I have been with this man for over a decade now. (did I seriously just use the word decade?!?! OLD!!!)

Do you have any piercings/tattoos? (I added this one =P)
I used to have my ears and lip pierced but let them close a long time ago. I might get the ears done again but the lip ring just didn't look right on me, I have ugly thin lips =P Tattoos on the other hand....I have 3! I have a big one on my back of my fursona and a the same lotus the character Nana has on her shoulder on each underside of my wrists only one is pink while the other is purple. Tatts are sooooooo addicting =D

What do you do in your spare time?
I have LOADS of free time now, so when I am not doing my usual wifie things I do art, listen to music, watch movies, or play videos games. Pretty exciting!!

What's your job or occupation?
Currently unemployed and unable to work again until May (long story). Its been rough, I am just now starting to crawl out from under the depression losing my job caused.

What do you like about yourself?
Its so much easier to name the things you dislike than it is the ones you like! Um....I guess I like my inner strength. No matter how many times I have fallen down, I have managed to somehow pick myself up and keep moving on. Most of what I really like about myself feels more like a curse or invitation to get hurt which makes it hard to know if I like them as much =P

What do you dislike about yourself?
I hate how negative I can be sometimes, and the fact that I have a hard time socializing with people. My anxieties hold me back from doing a lot of things I would like to do. We are our own worst enemies after all...

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
That I am really nice and a great listener. I try to get along with everyone, I hate drama or making waves.

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
I like the idea of going to an afterlife where I will be reunited with the ones I love, or that there are such things as soul mates but I just don't know. Religion was not something that was ingrained into me growing up so it never seemed all that important to me. I can honestly say I know next to nothing about any particular religion except what mainstream perceptions are, but I have no real need or hunger to know more. Religion is just another barrier to me that people put up to keep each other apart. I like togetherness <3 I don't care who you pray to, the color of your skin, or who you choose to love. What I care about is are you a decent human being =D

Do you drink?
Sometimes, my favorite being rum runners <3 I don't do beer, give me fufu drinks!

Do you smoke?
Nope and never wanted to try. Growing up with a smoker helped me decide that.

What are your major fears?
Aside from social anxieties, I have a phobia of sharks XD No idea why, I have no past incidents involving them as far as I know and I don't even live near the ocean! This includes most cartoon sharks (yes, Bruce from Finding Nemo is TERRIFYING to me!) A new fear I have discovered is aging...and realizing the mortality of the ones closest to me.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
My dream is to one day have myself focused and together, surrounded by people I know love and care about me. I always want to improve my artistic skills, and it would be nice if I could create a steady income from it so I could stay at home because being able to take care of my husband and do art is without a doubt the most rewarding thing I have found in my adult life.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
Crushes galore and several trial runs to help learn from my mistakes =D

Who's your best buddies?
I...really don't have any. I would be happy with just one best buddy but I haven't found one yet. There are a couple of people that I know I would probably be attached at the hip to but as luck would have it, they all live miles upon miles away.

What's your favorite dish?
PASTA!!!! My arch nemesis!

What's your favorite drink?
Vanilla Coke <3 and you should totally watch this commercial for it, its the best!

What's your favorite color?
I like reds, maroons, mauves, orange, and silver.

If you had a super power, what would it be?
I am sure I have thought about this several times before but I can't think of it right now! Um...probably the ability to talk to animals. I already talk to my cats all the time, it would be nice if the conversation was not one sided LOL!

Name 3 of your favorite movies:
3?!? No way. You can't do that!!
Avatar(James Cameron). Harry Potter movies. Lord of the Rings trilogy. Moulin Rogue. Pride and Prejudice. RocknRolla. Warm Bodies

Name 3 of your favorite shows:
Game of Thrones, Once Upon a Time, and used to be Sons of Anarchy until this last season =( We haven't owned cable in years so its Netflix all the way in this house! I miss certain channels though....I love me some Law and Order SVU =) or even the original Law and Order.

What's your least favorite food?
Seafood! I do like tuna and popcorn shrimp but I don't think the popcorn shrimp really classifies as seafood LOL

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I didn't get my drivers license until I was 24? I was a phobia I had to overcome and I still do not much care for driving but it is freeing to be able to take myself places instead of depending on others. Currently we have a Chevy Cobalt that I love, but I am a fan of any little car. For the longest time it was my dream to have a silver Volkswagen bug with blue flames on it LMAO!

What pet peeves do you have?
Lack of respect. "Friends" who only come around when its convenient for them. People that put others down. Just jerkbags in general LOL And odd numbers!

What do you dislike about life?
People? LOL! Ok...just most people =P I always feel like I was born in the wrong century.

What do you like about life?
Love. Sunshine. Kitties. Heated blankets. My parents. Art. Music. And Coffee, can't forget that <3

More about me meme thing =P

Aliehs Slade

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