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First Impressions by anthroguy101

The reason I decided to join Weasyl was for the same reason that most of you did: my bitter distaste for the FurAffinity user interface and my utter disdain for the incompetence of the admin and staff. The interface looks 10 years old and the fact that the staff are actively viewing notes and monitoring the pages is also quite disturbing.

My hope for this site is probably the same as yours: that it will finally be the one that makes FA look like MySpace. SoFurry is great, but it's not a place to post any of my poems and there are things there that nobody should be allowed to look at. InkBunny also has a better interface, but that site mostly caters to a part of the fandom that looks at things that are probably illegal and that will leak through no matter how many filters you put up.

I am hoping this site will give me everything I was looking for in FA without falling short of my expectations, and with that I am going to give my first impressions on this site.


>This site has pretty much everything that FA users have been wanting for years and then some. It has folders, an in-line text editor, separating watches and friends, more comprehensive privacy features (banning guests is okay, but there are some things that I still want to be public), journal rating and favoriting, journal view count, commission info, a tip jar, tags that actually serve a purpose, separate places for stories, poems, and screenplays; a place for characters, and (I assume) a ban on cub porn.

>This site also has a solid revenue structure that is perhaps even more sound than IB or SF.


>The journals do not have a BBCode guide or WYSIWYG editor, there isn't a space to put copyright/CC details, all the submissions show up as a square, there is no share button for social networks, this site is going to have more mundanes than FA, and for policy purposes they are going to have to walk a fine line between intra-fandom and other kinds of ads.

First Impressions


Journal Information
