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Mandatory overhyped meme about me thing by Iakhot

What's your real name?

I will never tell you this. Call me Grawlee :)

How tall are you?

1m80. That's 5 feet and 10/11 inches or something I guess. Average human size :)

What's your natural hair color?

Dark brown.

What's your eye color?


What's your orientation?

Hetero, but I'm so sexually inactive that I thought I was asexual for years.

What do you do in your spare time?

I have no spare time :p
Ok, I do, rarely... then that would be videogames, drawing, and a bit of partying.
Also politics.

What's your job or occupation?

I'm a student in some fucking hard IT school.

What do you like about yourself?

I'm self confident, stable, strong, and I know I will not fail. I value my dignity over my life, and I'd rather die free than live as a slave... Which may shorten my life a lot in the upcoming decade. I'm also pretty aware of what's happening around me. Which could also be a bad thing...

What do you dislike about yourself?

I may be too confident. While a complete lack of confidence breaks your ability to go on, too much confidence can also result in mistakes, which I experienced multiple times already. Balance is the key, but it's something I'm bad at determining. I also look somewhat good.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?

IDK. I'm being pretty honest and extrovert since a few years, so people either directly like me, or dislike me. I've yet to meet someone who's neutral to me. So my friends? I guess they thought I was fun or kinda crazy, but in the good way. People who aren't my friends are mostly of the other kind :)

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?

I used to be atheist, and then agnostic. I am now theist, with good reasons to think that god exists... Possibly not as we think it does, but I do think it does. I'm considering becoming a Catholic Christian - while I don't really think that religions are right on the whole line, I think they're on the good side nowadays. When current governments and societies try to break people's identities and glorify decadence, I believe religions could be used to fight that - religious people have a certain discipline, and it's also a tradition.

Do you drink?

Sadly, I do. Alcohol is the worst shit ever... but is anchored deeply in my country's culture. I hate to say, but I do drink sometimes. Never alone though - drinking alone is as bad as shitting in company.

Do you smoke?

No, negative, never. And the first retard who goes like "hurr but weed is not dangerous" gets hit with a stick.

What are your major fears?

It has a ... detterent effect, you know? I learned to fear it over time...
Also losing an important limb, or my sight. I'd just kill myself.
Or finally, having the abdl/babyfur part of me being discovered and spread around. I'd probably kill myself as well.

Let's go quickly over what I'm not afraid, instead:

  • dark: I learned in the army that darkness isn't my enemy at all. In fact it's a pretty good friend.
  • Spiders/snakes/insects/wasps/whatever: People grow scared of them because everybody tells them it's yucky. My father wasn't such a pussy, and made me carry/touch/dispose of a lot of these things. Don't go all like "BUT MUH ARACHNOPHOBIA" with me, just get your shit together.
  • drowning: I'm excellent at swimming.
  • heights: I tried to become a pilot in the army ... do you really think I'm scared of heights? :)

Do you have any dreams or goals?


  • First, I want to become a good programmer. My school actually gives an extremely valuable formation. I could maybe become an indie game dev or something, who know? I'm not sure yet if I'm more interested in security, web, game dev, or anything else - but I want to be good at it and work on important shit.
  • Second, I want to fly. If I finish my studies, I have 100% chances of having an excellent job with this school, paid with a minimum of 4K€, and shit... Which could allow me to do something I always wanted to do, which is, flying. I want a pilot license. If I have enough money or whatever I want to try getting a license for piloting helos, I've been pretty much into aicrafts for my whole life, and so far I only played hardcore simulations... But I just want the real thing.
  • Third... I know some bad shit is gonna happen in the upcoming years. I'm talking politics here. I want to be politically active. I want to change shit. I don't wanna talk about my political views here though.

And last but not least... I hope I can finally find someone. This is something I always had trouble with, I doubt I'll ever be able to make a family... But I can dream, right?

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?

I have no ex...

Who's your best buddy?

An average young adult, excellent at programming, enjoying life as he can, and hell of a party animal lol.

What's your favorite dish?

Foie gras. /thread

What's your favorite drink?

Grimbergen reserve. Not the piss beer your buy at the mall, nah, I'm talking about some real shit, imported directly form a monastery in Belgium and hard as fuck to find.

What's your favorite color?


If you had a super power, what would it be?

I've always dreamed of being some kind of super powerful assassin at night ... and assassinate all the politicians who I believe are driving the world to shit.
Yeah, pretty much :p

What's your favorite movie?

Mad max 2 <3

What's your least favorite food?

Endives. This has to be the worst shit ever.

What's the last meal you want before you die?

Foie gras. With a lot of figs, gingerbread, oysters and some excellent wine.

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?

I'm currently on foot, because cars are expensive and uneeded in my current situation. My current city is shitty, too... I'd fear for my car.
What I wanna drive though?
I want some cool shit. An old, unassisted sportscar. European, because fuck the rest. Manual transmission, obviously. The new ones drive by themselves, and have no speed feeling - me? I want the real deal.

What is your most disliked bug?

Stinkbugs. To hell with these walking shitbags. When I have a problem with a wasp, I crush it. But stinkbugs? Kill them, and they'll stink up the place with some smell that makes me wanna puke. In fact, just touch them and they'll send their gas as well. You can't do fucking anything with them. I hate what bothers me and that I cannot kill.

What pet peeves do you have?

Zionists, feminazis, leftist militias who don't get media coverage and replaced the fascists in the role of professional violent sheeps, brainwashed people in general, and people who currently pretend they're "gamers" when they play FPSes with a gamepad on a console annoy the hell out of me, on different scales.

I also hate people who use excuses (or not) to become pulsion driven animals, and people who allow the former people to continue by advocating absuive tolerance, because you know, it's the new hype to defend people who are supposedly just poorly understand people when they don't know their topic one bit.

What do you like most about life?

Life itself... I don't know, I was just made for that. Put someone in an extreme situation, and if that person is worth something, he/she will fight for it, just because he/she knows it's better like that, no matter how shitty his/her life became. I'm not different :)

Mandatory overhyped meme about me thing


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  • Link

    Somebody's going to say they want their last meal to be a Phoenix Down eventually, I just KNOW it. :P holds out hope

    • Link

      I don't think I'll ever have to choose a last meal tho, since there is no death penalty in my country. And I expect my death to either surprise me or to happen after a few years of being a vegetable. Which doesn't really leave me a choice :p

  • Link

    Best read of this meme thus far. Man, Grawlee you really are a great person. hugs

    • Link

      Oh, good, thanks :)

  • Link

    Finally, someone else dislikes Zionists!