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Why can't I comment? by Hollyfox

I have wanted to ad comments to the art I like on this sight, but I am totally unable to leave a shout or a comment on anyone's page or submissions. HELP!

Why can't I comment?


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    If you think you're having a bug, make sure to report it to Support or on the support area in the forums so it can be fixed!

    I'm sorry you're having trouble, that really sucks :C

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    Is there a requirement to have verified your email address before you can take some actions? If so that could be the cause.

    If you've not already tried clearing your internet browser's cache I would strongly recommend trying this and seeing if it clears up the issue. (I don't really expect it to, however, it's something that's usually worth trying with any issue on a website. Much like turning it off and on again for any piece of technology...)

    I would also try logging out of the site and then back in again.

    Finally, as IntricateVision said, contact Weasyl's support address. You may have found a bug in the site that they can help with.

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    click on the words, your comment here.. Clicking on the white space does nothing..

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    I have a silly question:
    Do you have your name and picture in a banner beneath "Leave A Comment" whenever you click to go there?

    It eluded me at first too. Part of what I found confusing at first is the grey portion of the banner says "Your Comment Here." and there is a white stripe beneath it. It confused me because I thought I was supposed to type in the white stripe. I think I probably clicked on the white strip twenty times before it donned on me that I was supposed to type in the grey space and that the white stripe, which becomes a space is a preview of what it will look like before you post it. Why would you want a preview? Well to get letters in bold you have to type two or three asterisks like quotations. There are other things like it. I felt so stupid afterward.

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      Yep that is exactly what happened to me :)

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        Groovy! I am glad that helped.