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Getting To Know Me! by korrok

What's your real name?
How tall are you?
What's your natural hair color?
Dark chestnut brown
What's your eye color?
What's your orientation?
Are you single, taken or undecided?
What do you do in your spare time?
Play video games, fuss over my pets, cooking/baking, shopping, spend far too long on the interbutts
What's your job or occupation?
Currently just anthro art, due to disability.
What do you like about yourself?
I would help out even someone I hated (if I hated anyone) when in need, I apply makeup pretty well, and I'm good with animals
What do you dislike about yourself?
I have really low self-esteem, my physical appearance, the limitations of my illness
What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
I've no idea, I've never asked. Probably that I wear almost all black and don't make eye contact easily. Also tall & fat!
What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
"Be Excellent To Each Other" - Bill S Preston Esq & Ted Theodore Logan
Do you drink?
I drink daily to live. If you mean alcohol, then yes, on social occasions.
Do you smoke?
What are your major fears?
Spiders. The house being broken into. House burning down. Losing my dad/Simon/cats. Rejection. TOYS THAT TALK OR MAKE NOISE (I have an actual phobia of these).
Do you have any dreams or goals?
At the moment it's hard to form a proper goal. I had one last year and it fell apart due to, again, my disability getting in the way. What I really want is an actual job but atm it's not feasible at all.
Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
Yes, but not a crush on an ex.
Who's your best buddy?
Banrai, my bf Simon, my cats, my dad
What's your favorite dish?
Depends when you ask me. I need a super varied diet or I get very bored.
What's your favorite drink?
Irn Bru, Pepsi Max Lemon, Pina Colada, Mezzo Mix, the raspberry lemonade from Cracker Barrel
What's your favorite color?
If you had a super power, what would it be?
Shapeshifting and shitting out money
What's your favorite movie?
Natural Born Killers
What's your least favorite food?
Bell peppers, any fish or seafoody stuff
What's the last meal you want before you die?
Deep Fried Twix, while wrapped in a Scottish flag (I don't fucking know ok?)
What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I drive a dark red year 2000 Ford Focus Ghia. I would like to drive either a BMW or a large truck, right over the top of the annoying Dutch cyclists.
What is your most disliked bug?
My first thought was stuff like e-coli but then I went oh they just mean arthropods. In which case always spiders. Fuck spiders.
What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
People making promises they don't intend to keep.
What do you dislike in life?
I'm in pain literally every day and it gets pretty old. Also I need more money to do all the cool things I want to do, like visit friends and make the house look the way I want it to.

Getting To Know Me!


Journal Information




  • Link

    haha this was an entertaining read :) I wish I could shit money XD

    I'd like to ask what the disability is, but I understand if it is too personal and you'd rather not talk about it. That really sucks though, I hope it improves over time.

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      Oh, it's not too personal, I've spoken about it publicly before but it seemed forced to mention it in here. When I was 25 I rapidly started suffering very severe back pain, joint pain and another few issues (felt like I'd gone crazy). I would find out about a year later that it was Joint Hypermobility Syndrome/Ehlers-Danlos Hypermobility type (2 very similar - and to some docs the same - diseases, they haven't decided which to classify it). A couple of years down the line I was getting partial dislocations of my knee and hips on a near daily basis, and it's been pretty miserable to learn to live with it. The back pain stops me from lifting stuff that was trivial to me before or bending down, the condition causes me problems with walking for more than 20-30 minutes, I get really exhausted and the pain in my shoulders/wrists/finger joints even makes art a lot harder than it was. Unfortunately the only option is to manage it and work around it, which admittedly I am getting better at!

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        Oooohhh that's awful ;D; Is there anything that can be done to help more?

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          Physiotherapy from a physio who knows the condition can be helpful, but unfortunately I can't afford it. I have seen some other specialists (including wasting away nearly 2k euro of my savings on a physio) but the help they offered vs the stress was really not good at all, most of the management techniques I've learned came from the Hypermobility Syndromes/EDS charities and have helped me out a whole lot more. They're very supportive! :)

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            Yeah physio is expensive @_@

            Glad to hear there's at least someone who has been able to help :3

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    This is unrelated, but I tried to offer your conbadge as collection to you, and it sent the following error message: "Whoops! Your collection offer could not be sent because the recipient is unable to receive it. This may be because the submission is friends-only, or the recipient's rating or filter settings prevent them from viewing it."

    Can you check your rating/filters? ^^

    • Link

      Heya! :) Just had a quick check - I don't have any filters set up at all, and rating should be any (18+), so I am thinking that's not the issue! I've not yet had anyone else offer me a collection though so I'm not sure...

      • Link

        Not sure what you changed, but it's working now. :)
        You were the only person with this issue with me, so I can't tell you more. I'm just glad it's working now.