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Getting to know the cheetah MEME by billsc26

What's your real name?
Here's a hint - it's not Bill.

How tall are you?

What's your natural hair color?

What's your eye color?
Brown to hazel

What's your orientation?
Right now I'm sitting down. Oh, you mean that? If you have to ask you don't need to know.

Are you single, taken or undecided?
Single here.

What do you do in your spare time?
Spend too much time on furry art sites, read sci-fi or horror if I have the time. Play FRP games on the computer. Of course all this is theoretical as I have little spare time.

What's your job or occupation?
Engineer, industrial controls if anyone is interested in the specifics.

What do you like about yourself?
I can be a witty, fun person to be around if I'm with people I know. I try to be educated and current on world events, which helps my witty humor. I like what I do because I really do feel my job makes a difference and makes the world a better place, even if only a little bit.

What do you dislike about yourself?
I am too shy around people I don't know. I have a low tolerance for people who are ignorant and unwilling to even talk about different ideas/points of view. I would like to have a body more like my character, but that was not in the genetic cards I was dealt. My job keeps me travelling a LOT so I have a hard time meeting people or ever considering a relationship.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
One person told me they were surprised at how "average" I was. I have been told people are surprised at how smart I am, which I find embarrassing.

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
Not religious here. At this point I would say we have insufficient information to form an opinion, and since we all find out sooner or later, I try not to worry about it.

I do hope for an existence after death however, as I would like to see people rewarded/punished for the things they did in life, have a chance to do things (or be things) they were not able to in life and have a chance to meet and spend time with friends or family that wasn't possible in life.

Do you drink?
I wouldn't be alive today if I didn't drink. Alcohol? No.

Do you smoke?
Nope - I know, what a straight-laced guy.

What are your major fears?
Not being able to spend time with family and friends. Having something happen that would result in my not being able to work (which I love) or being a burden on my family.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
Yes. But some of those are more suited to a more intimate environment!

Who's your best buddy?
Not listing anyone here for two reasons. Don't want to offend anyone who thinks they should be on the list but aren't. Most of my IRL friends have drifted away over the years, so the list would be depressingly short.

What's your favorite dish?
I love Italian.

What's your favorite drink?
Chocolate milk is a huge personal weakness.

What's your favorite color?

If you had a super power, what would it be?
Probably flight, but impenetrable energy shield or shapeshifter would be cool too.

What's your favorite movie?
Tough one. For visuals and a good plot: Avatar I really like the Underworld series for the great traditional effects.

What's your least favorite food?
Super spicy anything.

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
Still driving my first ever car - 1991 Nissan 240 (yeah, I bought it new). I like sporty cars with a touch of luxury, so I really like newer Infinity sedans.

What is your most disliked bug?

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
Unruly small children and parents who don't care. Ignorant people. Rude people who don't care about others.

What do you dislike in life?
Inequality - wealth, fairness, opportunity.

What do you love in life?
What I do for a living, even though I need to get more friends and a hobby.

Getting to know the cheetah MEME


Journal Information




  • Link

    (finally answering 'blush' ) This is actually more thorough then the one i did, really fun to get to know a little bit more about the Cheetah

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      Not answering because of any social pressure I hope :-)

      And I totally admit I copied the form from someone over at FA (Melo666 I think). These kind of things come up every now and then and can be kind of fun to get to know people. And a lot safer than opening something for TMI Tuesday!

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    No, no pressure 'smiles'
    It honestly didn't occur to me to answer it, which in hind site is kind of rude, hence the 'blush', and i copied mine as well, can't remember from whom though...
    'Laughs' i agree, might be safer but i wouldn't be opposed doing TMI whatever day, just don't have all that many that follow me that would partake 'laughs'

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      Yes. I think it's good to participate in the community, and I don't mind posting something like a "getting to know you" MEME and have no responses. I tell myself that, well, maybe someone has read it and just didn't feel like commenting (which I do all the time on other people's journals). But posting something like a TMI Tuesday journal and then getting absolutely-no-responses would be ... awkward. And probably a big blow to the ego. So my admittedly few and far-between journals are more of a "participation optional" kind of thing.

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    Yeah, single Oregonians unite!!

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      Seriously, wow - I didn't know! Cool - yeah, I guess us single Oregon people need to stick together :-) Or... you know, something like that. Portland person here but I travel a lot for work.

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        Central Oregon here :E I have gone to Portland a few times for my ex, but it's a long drive especially if the weather is acting up :<
        That's cool tho, I've been wanting to get to know more Oregon peeps!

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          Ok, yeah - that is really cool. I never really thought there were many furries in Oregon, but I do sometimes run into them (well, online at least). Never thought I'd find a cool Oregon furry LOL. It's good to know there are others... like us... in the state. So, don't be a stranger or something like that!

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            WELL if you are ever poking around Central Oregon, lemme know :E And if I ever venture to Portland area, I'll try to do the same!

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              Yep, I certainly will! I travel a LOT for work (mostly out of state) but if we're both likely to be in the same place at the same time, I'll let you know for sure! Thanks!