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Hey I'm doing it I'm doing the get to know me meme by Ry Roo

What's your real name?
Ryan M Barking Shithead

How tall are you?

What's your natural hair color?

What's your eye color?
Also brown

What's your orientation?
I like kissin' boys, I like kissin' girls, mostly into guys rn

Are you single, taken or undecided?
Single atmmmm

What do you do in your spare time?
I play a lot of music, mostly piano and singing. It's my relaxing Thing

What's your job or occupation?
I put things in ovens and bark at them until they are done being barked at also done baking

What do you like about yourself?
I like my ability to empathize with people and make them feel comfortable, and ability to be supportive. I've had to learn to establish boundaries with those sorts of things but overall it's a strength.

What do you dislike about yourself?
I get a lot of anxiety around confrontation which makes it hard when I need to confront people and be direct. I'm getting better at this thanks to supportive people in my life, thankfully. Also, I want to be less lazy and more productive.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
How did this walf get in here shit who do we call about this fuck

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
I'm atheist, but I'm pretty much okay with what people believe in as long as they're not hurting anybody.

Do you drink?
A little bit, yeah! It's nice a couple times every week or so usually. I don't like to get too drunk and am careful about not going overboard but I enjoy it. Also, boozing up things like hot chocolate and ice cream :9999

Do you smoke?
I like to get high, but don't do it that often. It's my favorite form of intoxication though |3333

What are your major fears?
Public humiliation gets to me real bad

Do you have any dreams or goals?
I'd like to get my music-making to a point where I can really communicate my feelings effectively through it through my own music. I can get sorta the effect with covering existing songs and that's real good, but I'd like to write my own stuff that gets my feelings out, and hopefully moves people.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
Yeahhhh hahaha it took me over a year to get over my big ex from high school :X

Who's your best buddy?
I got my best doge pals Ace and Kris, who I love a whole lot <3

What's your favorite dish?
Probably baked chili mac. I don't eat it a lot because carbs, but it's my favorite comfort food.

What's your favorite drink?
Hmmmm I like a lot of sweet boozy things. Hard cider, hot hard cider, hard hot chocolate

What's your favorite color?
Blue, particular something kinda like this

If you had a super power, what would it be?
Man ummmm, can I be a waterbender? I wanna be a waterbender.

What's your favorite movie?
I don't watch a lot of movies anymore, but ummm probably something from Miyazaki like Castle In The Sky or Mononoke. My favorite movies all used to be comedies that I don't like as much anymore, oops.

What's your least favorite food?
Black olives. Get those outta here. The smell. Ugh.

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I drive a 2008 Ford Focus SE, and it's been pretty good to me. Man I don't think about cars I like too often

What is your most disliked bug?
Mosquitos, little bitey jerks. Send them to hell with the black olives.

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
When people leave their shopping carts out in the spaces COME ON THE CORRAL IS RIGHT THERE

What do you dislike in life?
When people take advantage of the good intentions of others, when people don't think outside their own perspective on things.

What do you love in life?
Meaningful friendships and relationships, people caring about each other and helping each other, mushy stuff iunno

Hey I'm doing it I'm doing the get to know me meme

Ry Roo

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      awowowo awo awoo

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    baked chili mac aughh. also props baking dogge, made with barks of love

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      Barked chili mac :9 :9 :9

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    It makes me deeply saddened that someone hates black olives in this world. :C

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      Do we have a black olive liker here? GET OUT

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        You just wait, one day you will be taking a sip off coffee and you will get a nice delicious mouthful of black olive brine.

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          That is like, sixth or so circle of hell shit right there