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About Me: Joining the Flood by Melusina

Haha, I know. I know. There's a lot of these going around right now... personally I think it's been quite neat to see, been reading a few (though what to comment on always escapes me x.x). Soooo, go figure I decide to do one myself. Why not?

~Enter the Bunny~

What's your real name?

Aliza! It's spelled with A because A is number one! (cough, that'll do)

What's your gender?


How tall are you?

Uuuh, about 5'5"... I like it.

What's your natural hair color?

Dark blonde, looks all honey gold in the right lighting.

What's your eye color?

Plain ol' brown.

What's your orientation?

Pansexual or somethin' but I like guuurls okei.

Are you single, taken or undecided?

Taken by two wonderful boos. ¯w¯

Are you looking for a relationship atm?


What do you do in your spare time?

Nowadays I seem to just kinda... idle around a lot more in my spare time. If not, playing some manner of RPG! Also trying to recover from a very, very long art block.

What's your job or occupation?

None at the moment, but I plan to work towards becoming librarian some day.

What do you like about yourself?

That I'm being able to stand up for myself more and more in real life. Also recovering my hair. :3

What do you dislike about yourself?

My emotions get too strong sometimes and I get way too reckless with words.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?

Probably my humour or something like that. Maybe how cantankerous I was. I can't say!

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?


Do you drink?

I used to be a very heavy alcoholic, not something I'm proud of... so I try not to drink anymore, though I have lapses sometimes.

Do you smoke?


What are your major fears?

I would say my utmost fear is the fear of discrimination. Being trans and all that isn't all flowers and sunshine. It's given rise to anxiety I never knew I had and has even lead to distrusting people I've known for a long time. It's really scary...
Also, I've had a petrifying fear of deep water or being underwater ever since I can remember.

Do you have any dreams or goals?

To be able to live with my beloveds aaaaand to marry 'em. Ye. :3 Oh and to be able to express my creativity again!

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?

Indeed, all things I'm well beyond now.

Who's your best buddy?

The wife and the husband. ;3

What's your favorite dish?

HUH... uuuh. Oh god, I have way too many to count. Well uh, I absolutely love fries covered in cheese and bacon. :9

What's your favorite drink?

Good ol' reliable water. Pepsi with food though.

What's your favorite color?

Tooo manyyy, bzzzzt. Purples, pinks, reds, oranges, cyan, etc etc...

If you had a super power, what would it be?

Super strength and durability!

What's your favorite movie?


What's your least favorite food?

Brussel. Sprouts.

What's the last meal you want before you die?

The one that gives me IIIMMMORTALITY~

What is your most disliked bug?

Fleas. Cockroaches. Eugh. :[

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?

I can't drive. ;-; But I want a little pink car to blast death metal out of.

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?

Loud noises. Hands down. People all bein' loud and interruptin' my workspace need ta GIT OUT.

What do you dislike in life?:

How people choose to remain ignorant of the plight of others because it mildly inconveniences them. Like seriously. Minimal effort on their behalf can result in people in general feeling much safer and happier... but they won't have any of that. Nope. Disgusting.

What do you love in life?


About Me: Joining the Flood


Journal Information




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    Your hair color kinda sounds like mine! .. I don't know what hair color I have, it's like a weird mixture of blonde (kinda?) brown(ish) and like red. I don't know if there's a word that can describe it..?
    We are also the same height XD

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      Yeah, it's about the same here! 9x6 Through my life it's been... platinum blonde, looked kinda red, etc as well. I think HRT can change it though and I have been regrowing a looooot o' hair...

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    Wifey wife

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      we r gurl married <:3

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    Hug a hubby!

    First thing people notice: