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"Get To Know Me" Meme by Thornwolf

Since I'm getting a lot of new followers as well as the usual suspects, I figured I'd indulge in this little introduction meme.

What's your real name?

Names you go by?
Thorn, Nicole or Niko (NEVER Nickie as the diminutive form of Nicole)

How old are you?

How old do you feel/act?
40 :P

How tall are you?

What's your natural hair color?
Medium brown

What's your eye color?
Light blue/green

What's your orientation?

Are you single, taken or undecided?
Married to DrSkorzy

What do you do in your spare time?
Spare..time? Well I do have my internet addiction so there's that. I do like going out to eat though.

What's your job or occupation?
Freelance marketer/designer/copywriter and (mostly separately) freelance illustrator.

What do you like about yourself?
I like my personality and "fake it til you make it" way of diffusing uncomfortable situations, mostly through laughter. I love to make people laugh. Physically, I think I have a nice smile and eyes.

What do you dislike about yourself?
I hate that I'm addicted to the internet. It's like some drug of asspats and validation. Also I'm chubbier than I was 10 years ago and I dislike that.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
I hate to say it but most people just see how short I am.

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
The closest thing I can "on paper" identify with is Christian but that doesn't really apply either. I believe in a higher power but feel that evolution was left to its own devices. I don't really like talking about it though because I don't wish to be "converted" or told my higher power theory is "stupid". There's jerks on all sides and this is a personal thing. Just try to get along with everybody.

Do you drink?
Yes. It is my drug of choice.

Do you smoke?
I smoke nothing.

What are your major fears?
Swimming in dark water (OMG, LOCK, YES ME TOO), ironic injury (completely unscathed except for severed drawing hand, etc.), spiders, the vastness of space (I have nightmares about being blasted into space and never being able to come back...its so stupid)

Do you have any dreams or goals?
To be able to afford the things my friends can (to have a home of my own) and to be self sufficient.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
Too many to list.

Who's your best buddies?
I absolutely HATE Weasyl's tagging system so, Foxfeather, Westly, Moo, Vantid, Dawnchapel/Astolpho, Starveling, and of course my hubbins Dr. Skorzy

What's your favorite dish?
Chicken tikka masala, or seared salmon nigiri

What's your favorite drink?
Cuba Libre, White Russian, Pinot Noir. Non alcoholic - Milk :P

What's your favorite color?
Sage/Olive green. I like most colors for different reasons though. It's all about context

If you had a super power, what would it be?
That's easy - transformation (so I can be all the widdle aminuls I want)

Name 3 of your favorite movies
Gladiator, Spirited Away, Balto

Name 3 of your favorite shows
Regular Show, Parks and Recreation, Arrested Development

What's your least favorite food?
Green beans, anything that tastes "grassy", and that includes bell peppers. Raw onions too but I'm actually allergic to them (I love/can have caramelized onions though)

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I have a burgundy HHR (lol, Lock XD) but I'd love a subaru forester or outback.

What pet peeves do you have?
When I show someone my art and they go "why does it look like that/why is it doing that/you forgot the.." If I'm showing you that's how it was supposed to be and its done. It's okay if you don't like it, but it's almost like explaining the punch line of a joke. Containers that have crumbs/drops in them put back in their places as if they're full. Either finish it or throw it away or leave enough for a full serving. Loud mouth sounds (including smacking, chewing, gulping, and clearing of the throat excessively)

What do you dislike about life?
Not life, but PEOPLE, I dislike that when you say "this hurts me" the natural response is "that's your problem"

What do you like about life?
The people you meet you can surround yourself with to make it all worth while

"Get To Know Me" Meme


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  • Link

    Nice to meet ya ;D

    • Link

      Thank you! Nice to see you here :D

      • Link

        You're welcome! =)

        Hehe I'm kind of surprised you even remember me xD

        • Link

          I do! :3

          • Link

            It's also nice to see you here as well, being more active and all I mean haha =)

  • Link

    Aw I must have filled out an incomplete version of the meme. Someone deleted some nice questions :c

    By the way, I hate swimming in the dark too! I -hate- not being able to see the bottom of a large pool of water and have dreams about something huge lurking in the depths below :S We also have the same favorite color :p

    • Link

      Yay for same favorite color! And yeah about the dark water its the fear of the unknown, that something big and hulking might be lurking just underneath. If my feet brush up against something oh good lord that will be the end of me.

  • Link

    Hi my name is Stoker and I'm also a netaholic. ._. Seriously though I really DO have an internet addiction and it's kind of hard to deal with.

    • Link

      I've even gone so far as to seek out clinics/support groups. They have them for online gaming but not for just..."internet". :(

      • Link

        Somebody should REALLY be providing (offline) support for this. I personally think the internet is the single most addictive thing that has ever existed. x_x

        • Link

          I agree. You ever see Portlandia? Did you ever see that skit where he got trapped in a "technology loop"? That skit is funny but at its root it actually made me start crying because that's how I feel. I get stuck in "loops" that are completely inescapable and find myself refreshing for feedback. It's so horrible.

          • Link

            I love Portlandia, though I haven't seen much of it. It's SO true to Portland, haha. >.> Makes me miss the place to be honest.

            I never saw that skit, but that SOUNDS pretty true to life, and it definitely sounds true to my actual experience. :/ It's kind of weirdly comforting to know that I'm not the only one who goes through this, at least. But it's a terrible hold to try to break free of.

  • Link

    hello fellow netaholic.

    • Link

      Yep. It's a pretty bad problem :( My livelihood relies on the internet as well so that doesn't help.

  • Link

    Yay for milk! Raises glass of milk

    • Link

      Gosh I'm such a milk fiend. Organic milk tastes so much better than regular store brand (and lasts far longer), I can't ever go back!

      • Link

        I agree! Right now, I have to settle for the cafeteria milk at the university I attend. You can tell it's classy because it comes in a big bag.

  • Link

    "...the vastness of space."

    Right there with ya on that one. I went to see "Gravity" in 3D with my boyfriend and lets just say I didn't take it very well. XD

    • Link

      I have heard similar about Gravity. I doubt I will ever watch it for that reason. A friend of mine called it "Anxiety: The Movie". Yep! Sounds like it!

  • Link

    hehe I don't smoke either :D
    What kind of alcohol do you like? =3

    I really like your goal, this is what I always wanted too :D and being with friends till time ends hehe

    • Link

      I really like wine. I used to be really big into craft beers but they've kind of fell out of favor because I tend to feel uncomfortably full after just one glass. Wine, however, I can enjoy a few glasses over the course of an evening and there's a lot of flavor to explore. Plus, the pairing with food is really nice. You can do that with beer, too, of course, but that "fullness" keeps me from enjoying the food as much XD

      • Link

        I agree with it xD wine also works with cheeses dunno if you like it <3

        • Link

          Oh gosh yes, its my favorite combo! I loooove cheese. Almost all kinds really. Except bleu cheese, not really a fan because it tastes way too stinky, but weirdly I like Limburger. Different stink I guess. The worst cheese I ever had what I was told was some sort of Hessian cheese, I believe it was Handkase, oh god. WORST.

          • Link

            Ooooo gosh blue cheese what I don't like either xD The rest just nyumnyum hehe and thank you! I won't taste this hessian then xD