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Wanna Know About Me? by dr-bored

What's your real name?
Dr. Riley Vary Bored (a play on Really Very Bored). But no, I only use my real name in... real life!

Names you go by?
Doc, Dr. Bored, Kaze, even Zea.

How old are you?

How old do you feel/act?
Eccentric, happy, nerdy to the core.

How tall are you?

What's your natural hair color?
Dark brown, and it's pretty short and fluffy.

What's your eye color?
Brown, and I wear glasses.

What's your orientation?
Straight in real life, Bi on the internet.

Are you single, taken or undecided?
Happily dating my girlfriend, going strong on 2 years!

What do you do in your spare time?
Draw, play video games, play Pathfinder, go out with my girlfriend, play 40k and X-Wing board games.

What's your job or occupation?
I'm a computer technician for a hospice.

What do you like about yourself?
I like that I'm pretty intelligent. I can understand a variety of concepts and I'm still young enough to learn new things easily. I also have incredible patience, but you don't want to see me when that very last line gets crossed.

What do you dislike about yourself?
I'm lazy, and I find it very difficult to self-motivate. I've been drawing for over 8 years and I'm not nearly where I should be. I tend to leave projects unfinished and talents undeveloped.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
That I can be loud and hopefully my sense of humor.

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
I'm a spiritualist, but not a hippy. I believe in elements that bind us all together and create the natural world as we know it. Day-to-day, it's similar to Buddhism or Hinduism.

Do you drink?
Maybe like once every other week.

Do you smoke?
Not at all.

What are your major fears?
Drowning, germs, becoming horribly disfigured or disabled...

Do you have any dreams or goals?
Well, getting better at art. Advancing in my career. Mostly, I just want to be comfortable, and that doesn't take much.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
Well, uh. Yes, to both.

Who's your best buddies?
I've got a group of great friends here in Florida, and I've got a group of fantastic friends online. You know who you are.

What's your favorite dish?
I have this ceramic rice bowl that I'm quite fond of.

What's your favorite drink?
Green Tea.

What's your favorite color?

If you had a super power, what would it be?
Flying. I would love to be able to fly in the sky, go where I want, zip around the sky and see the beauty of the clouds every day.

Name 3 of your favorite movies?
District 9, Star Wars, Jurassic Park

Name 3 of your favorite shows?
Doctor Who, To Love-Ru, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

What's your least favorite food?

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I currently drive a reliable little Hyundai Accent. I'd LOVE to drive a Tesla Model S

What pet peeves do you have?
People not taking their fair share of the work, or people that take advantage of my patience.

What do you dislike about life?
That it's short, cruel, and potentially meaningless.

What do you like about life?
That it's full of all sorts of beauty, right in front of you, every day, that we're living in an age of budding technology, and that even if life is meaningless within this grand cosmos, that you can find happiness, and you can pursue that happiness.

Wanna Know About Me?


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  • Link

    Not bad, but...
    "What's your orientation?
    Straight in real life, Bi on the internet."

    It seems like a social contradiction of sorts... care to explain?

    • Link

      Hmmm... I dont like fraternizing with my gender IRL, but online I play multiple characters with different genders, so I tend to be a bit more flexible.