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that get to know me meme that's going around uwu by Junia

What's your real name?
Nick! You can call me that if you're not comfortable with calling me Junius :3

How tall are you?
5'6". wholly average, haha

What's your natural hair color?
dirty blonde

What's your eye color?
kind of hazel-y? i dont spend a lot of time looking at them ahaha

What's your orientation?
pansexual panromantic! i tend not to be all that interested in cis guys, but hey anything can happen!

Are you single, taken or undecided?
none of the above? i'm polyamorous. at the current time i have two partners whom i love so so so dang much <3 we are basically my OT3 haha.
i am sort of looking? i feel like it would be really really nice to be with someone romantically who is more geographically close to me. i'm hungry for snugs D:

What do you do in your spare time?
craft things, draw, play video games, attempt to code, read, play the pokemon TCG (Magic was too complex for me haha), and watch silly things on youtube mostly! I also do a little volunteering at the local library.

What's your job or occupation?
i work retail, at a small high-end pet store in my hometown! i don't make a lot of money and it is pretty exhausting (there are no chairs anywhere on the sales floor, man do my paws hurt after a few hours -A-) but getting to play w dogs and the occasional cat as well as helping ppl with their pets makes it very rewarding.
i'm also a fulltime student simultaneously, majoring in computer science uwu

What do you like about yourself?
not muchhhhh :l
i think my fursonas are p cute i guess? ahaha

What do you dislike about yourself?
my looks, my biological sex, my weight, my intelligence, my mental and physical health status, my lack of social prowess..... it's a long list lol

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
hell if i know???? probably that i'm a socially awkward furfag

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
i'm generally agnostic when it comes to a higher power. i was raised roman catholic but i'm not really that big a fan of organized religion. i am a therian though, and i feel a certain kinship mostly with dogs but also slightly with cats. no, i don't think i'm a dog/cat trapped in a human body or anything, i just identify really strongly with them and would prefer to be one haha

Do you drink?
very very little if at all. i'm <21 and the taste of alcohol generally doesn't appeal to me (especially beer, i do not like bready things :/) i do imbibe the occasional fruity wine or coffee with kahlua or sweet mixed drink, but that's really rare. i've only ever been drunk once as well, and it wasn't a very enjoyable experience.

Do you smoke?
yeeees but. not tobacco. heh

What are your major fears?
failure. thats the first and foremost. i'm also pretty freaked out by ticks, heights, and social situations (i have a lot of nightmares about fucking up socially lol)

Do you have any dreams or goals?
in the future i would like to be happy, fulfilled with my work, and financially comfortable. i don't have any particular careers in mind but right now i'm pursuing computer programming and other related jobs. as long as i can live comfortably and have enough money to indulge my hobbies and fandoms, i will be more than happy x3

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?

Who's your best buddy?
there are a lot of ppl i love a lot and want to snug forever aaaah
i guess kile, jackie, barry, and yea lots of other people haha

What's your favorite dish?
macaroni and cheese i could NEVER get tired of macaroni and cheese ahhh

What's your favorite drink?
sugary starbucks coffee drinks, sugar free Amp energy, or just plain water!

What's your favorite color?
pinks of every shade and hue!

If you had a super power, what would it be?
i want to TRANSFORM into all kinds of dogs and cats and also a bunch of other wacky animals hell yes

What's your favorite movie?
Pacific Rim oh my god i loved it so much

What's your least favorite food?
burnt meat D<

What's the last meal you want before you die?
a gigantic tub of macaroni and cheese like enough to feed a small wedding party

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
i drive a fucking shitty ass volvo station wagon and i'm not really big into cars but i'd love something more fuel efficient and aesthetically pleasing lol

What is your most disliked bug?
ticks and mosquitoes need to go the fuck away MY BLOOD ISNT YOURS

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
i fucking hate noisy people. and a lot of noises. and also the way chalk, various fabrics, and dirty things feel on my skin. i have sensory processing disorder so a lot of normal things irritate and overstimulate me REALLY badly.

What do you dislike in life?
ignorant and bigoted people. boring people. work that isn't intriguing or mentally challenging.

that get to know me meme that's going around uwu


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      no, i work at like a small local chain lol x3 we just got bought by a bigger company tho so idk

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        ahhh damn, i work for a grocery store right now :/

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          well, as they say, any job is better than no job :p

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            exactamente! we should totally chat on skype tho

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              Heck yeah! Mines fennecfreakk (old fursona lol) what's yours?

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                you'll see~
                just added ya