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Everything you didn't need to know about a green deer by Gaia1234

What's your real name?
Common name I guess.

How tall are you?
5'9 mostly

What's your natural hair color?
Dirty Blond

What's your eye color?
Light blue

What's your orientation?
Hmm... To be honest, I really didn't pay it all that much attention and thought maybe
I was straight... gay or what. But in the end, It seems to be whatever.

Are you single, taken or undecided?
Undecided... I do have someone I love a lot. but, He is straight.

What do you do in your spare time?
I just draw mostly all the time... and or play video game from time to time.

What's your job or occupation?
I work at a gas station but hope to someday work somewhere with better money.

What do you like about yourself?
Well, I guess I usually have a lot of energy in real life. My classmates can agree with that. I guess I am a big acter when I am explaining things and shit. As well make a lot of sounds too when explaining things.... it's just lively so I like that. But I am sure some hate it.

What do you dislike about yourself?
Well, I have a bit of low self-esteem. Sooo I should not go into that. But if I had to say... I have a problem comparing myself to others. Some others know this more then some.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
Hmmm... That I was nice? Is all I recall.

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
I just don't pay it any attention really.

Do you drink?
I do like to drink... but only with others. I don't ever do it alone, just never feel like it.

Do you smoke?
I do not. I have my opinions on it. Some people in my life gave it a bad view... I guess. I never went close to the stuff.

What are your major fears?
Umm... Heights of course. Funny that I was not when I was younger but as I got older I knew more I guess.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
I want a good job that means something... and have money to not worry about things and friends to share it with.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
I have had many crushes but nothing happens with it. I have never been with anyone before but you never know.

Who's your best buddy?
Ah, well would saying my twin brother is like my best buddy or would it not? But, not with family it would be Girs I would say. He's been there a lot for me.

What's your favorite dish?
Curry is a gooooood one. But I do love my sushi as well.
OH OH OH OH lasagna as well. I just have to many really.

What's your favorite drink?
I don't really have one... I drink whatever. I try to just drink water the most.

What's your favorite color?
I like Browns a lot... but since I joined the furry fandom... I've started to like green a bit more.

If you had a super power, what would it be?
Ahaha, I would like to be able to move things with my mind. XD

What's your favorite movie?
Oh GOD! I have to many... like really WAY TO MANY!
But at this moment it would be Robocop and/or The worlds End.

What's your least favorite food?
Coconut, oh god it makes me want to throw up.

What's the last meal you want before you die?
Oddly... pizza.

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I drive a 2008 Ford Ranger... and funny thing is, I just wanted to drive and own a truck and I do.

What is your most disliked bug?
I don't like centipedes like at ALL.

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
Well... I like to think I'm easy going soooo I'm not really sure. Things just kind of bug me at random times. I guess I hate computers not working... it makes me soooo mad.

What do you dislike in life?
Not being more then I am. Worrying all the time. I could really live without worrying all the time.

Everything you didn't need to know about a green deer


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      IT'S NOT!? I guess your right. :3

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    Imma steal this. :3 Also, I'm shorter than you!

    • Link

      Oh, are you now? :3

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        Yep, 5'6" here. So by just about 3 inches? :D

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    Very interesting, I could say that we share a lot more in common than I expected.

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      oh ya? That's rather sweet to hear! :D

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        Indeed, a Ford Ranger being one of them, is yours green?

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          Oh naw... I wish.