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Get to know mememe by Aerys

I stole this from... about half the people on this website. :p

What's your real name?

How tall are you?

What's your natural hair color?

What's your eye color?

What's your orientation?
I'm attracted to intelligent, career-oriented people.

Are you single, taken or undecided?

What do you do in your spare time?
Being a member of the fandom is a massive time commitment for a Ph.D. student, so it's my most committed hobby. I play squash and enjoy skiing; I'm also a cycling enthusiast. I'm a good cook, but even more than that I enjoy trying new restaurants as often as I can. Also I know mad bat trivia.

What's your job or occupation?
I'm an economist-in-training.

What do you like about yourself?
I'm good looking, healthy, smart and dedicated. I think I lead a blessed life. (I also have great teeth!)

What do you dislike about yourself?
I suffer from social anxiety and am depressive. Also I get airsick very easily so traveling always sucks.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
I often wonder that myself! Probably the eyes. I think I come off as quiet but confident and intelligent.

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
I'm a "cultural Jew." I enjoy the holidays and spending time with my family. (=

Do you drink?
Yes, but I keep drinking less as I grow older.

Do you smoke?
Sometimes at a party when I'm drunk. Maybe twice a year? I used to crave another cig the day after but not anymore.

What are your major fears?
Fuck getting cancer.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
I'd like to be well published and respected professionally. I'd like to raise a family.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
I had one serious relationship with a woman, but distance broke us apart. Now I'm mostly looking for guys.

Who's your best buddy?
My roommate, another economist. I'm shocked how well we clicked after moving in together. I do miss my best friends from New York City though. If he didn't live halfway down the coast it would be my brother.

What's your favorite dish?
That's an impossible question. OK, pizza. Chocolate is my favorite food item though.

What's your favorite drink?
Coffee. Love me some coffee.

What's your favorite color?
Blue. Why the hell would you pick any other color? Cretins

If you had a super power, what would it be?
Being Ozymandias sounds like it would be pretty boss. Maybe Doctor Manhattan?

What's your favorite movie?
12 Angry Men. I cry at movies, but usually it's because something sad happened. 12 Angry Men has a happy ending. (spoiler?)

What's your least favorite food?
Sour cream and cream cheese taste viscerally wrong to me. I also don't have a taste for beets.

What's the last meal you want before you die?
Anything so long as it's not through a tube, thanks.

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
I drive a 2005 Mazda 3 in winning blue, manual. Of course "like to drive" is sort of an unbounded question, but I would actually consider buying an Audi A8 someday, and just to try it I would drive a Lamborghini Murciélago.

What is your most disliked bug?
Easy! Mosquitos.

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
Less and less as I grow older. I try to find compassion for people who aren't up to scratch on their social graces. They've probably had it harder than I have.

What do you dislike in life?
I'm not a big fan of roller coasters. I wish I had more time and energy to do more things - opportunities slip by so fast.

Get to know mememe


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  • Link

    SHARE SOME OF YOUR BAT FACTS! The world needs to know more of our amazingness.

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      They're less amazing on the internet where you can just type and look up reams of similar facts; I just know more details off the top of my head.

      You know how bats hang upside down when they sleep? Hold your hand out and straighten your fingers so they're flat. Then relax your hand. The fingers curl up, and your thumb and fingers are almost touching. With bats, it's the exact same thing, except a different calibration. Instead of close to touching, when relaxed the thumb and fingers are clasped together.

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        That's always a good one! I'm also fond of the way their cardiovascular system works in "reverse" because of the hanging.

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          I didn't know that one! I like it. When handling microbats sometimes they chit and squeak softly if they're agitated. But if you tune into the high-frequency bandwidth of the same sound it's actually more like a very loud desperate doomsday shrieking.

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            Haha I love that! Tiny cute noises actually being like THE SOUNDS OF PURE DAMNATION if you examine them more closely.

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              One more of my very favorites. When they were first experimenting with bats to figure out how they navigated, in addition to obvious things like muzzling them or plugging their ears up, and more things that wouldn't pass the ethics committee these days, one scientist took a group to shave and cover in vaseline. This was to test the hypothesis that they navigated by sensing microscopic air currents through the skin. They got through the obstacle course just fine that way!

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                Scientists do some loony things! I'm surprised that shaved bats covered in vaseline isn't a fetish yet.

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    Damn, some of your answers man... I don't want my last meal to be through a tube either. However I think I love chocolate more than you!

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      I have thought a lot about death since my father passed last May. "Memento Mori" is one of my deepest motivations. (Munchin' on tinies is up there too.)

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    Bluuuu and chocolate. Clever and going somewhere. These are all great things indeed ^^ Also the cute battiness

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    My partner got me this book on bats, but I haven't really cracked it open yet. I did flip to a random page and see drawings of various bat stomachs, though, so I guess I can hook you up with that info if you need it.

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      What's the book?

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        Glover Morrill Allen. Bats: Biology, Behavior, and Folklore.

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          That one is great because back in the 30s they didn't understand echolocation. The very first chapters about folklore and human interactions are delightful. It gets pretty dry at some points because its so thorough, so you have to skim though a lot if you want to read it for entertainment, unless you enjoy reading about dental formulas, migration patterns, etc.

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    You totally don't come off as having social anxiety! That's my thing :p

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      Freshman and senior year of college were night and day. Pills help too.

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        I'll have to talk to you about that, I've been considering that for a while. Right on about freshman and senior year of college.

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    People always want to put sour cream on tacos, but it just makes them cold and soggy. What is the point of sour cream???

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      Some people would say that they enjoy the cooling, rich taste, offsetting spicy jalapenos and mixing with taco juices into a sort of sauce. I say those people can FUCK RIGHT OFF

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    And a great cook, hmm? c: What is your best dish to cook?

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      I'd say my favorite is whole roasted chicken.