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Get To Know Meme! by Skink

New website, and I feel like I've seen some new faces. I might as well do something like this!

What's your real name?
I really hate my real name it's ugly.

How tall are you?
5'7", I think? I haven't been measured in years and wouldn't doubt I'm taller.

What's your natural hair color?
Darkish mousey brownish kind of.. thing. TBH I haven't seen my natural hair color in years, I have trouble remembering. it's bright orange right now lmao

What's your eye color?
Radial heterochromic blue/brown, outer blue.

What's your orientation?

Are you single, taken or undecided?
Taken and hoping to soon be married~

What do you do in your spare time?
Reptile collecting and breeding, field herping, amphibian, invert (tarantulas, beetles, cockroaches, feeders) and goldfish keeping, dumb art, Flight Rising, research jams, crafting silicone adult toy.

What's your job or occupation?
Art peddler and full time slave to the pooping habits of dozens of snakes please send help I need more paper towels

What do you like about yourself?
EHEHH. HEH. I'M. REALLY BAD... AT QUESTIONS LIKE THIS... I feel like I have good taste, a lot of love, and great friends?? I guess?? I care about things a lot. I try to do good.

What do you dislike about yourself?
I'm pretty down on myself even if I'm often the optimistic one this is really not something that would benefit anyone to answer fully hahahaha.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
THAT I AM A TERRIFYING OGRE WITH A HEART OF GOLD. Every one of my closest friends has told me "I used to be scared of you and was really intimidated by you, but then I found out you're really nice and just kind of shy!" I'm actually really self conscious about it ha........

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
I don't believe in any higher power or spirituality, but I also do not identify with modern atheism. I believe existence is as simple as it appears and I don't feel a hunger for it to be more, but a lot of my friends are from a variety of religions and I respect the teachings of all faiths.

Do you drink?
No. I have a genetic intolerance to alcohol. If I do drink, I get very ill, VERY fast. Half a cup of wine can put me up sick for a day.

Do you smoke?
Nadda, friend.

What are your major fears?
Heights, knives, and I am trypophobic.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
Supporting myself with my art but without commissions ex: crafting and original content.
Garnering a massive collection of rare reptiles, breeding them, studying them, better understanding them, and educating the world about them.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
Some exes and some crushes. what were you expecting? I am twenty fuckin four was this meme written by a preteen I stg

Who's your best buddy?
Tigrath! But I am also best buds with Ubersaur, Bowrll and Tortle. Multibesties.

What's your favorite dish?
Rice pudding <3 Unless you mean like.. dinner dish? Steak and a loaded mashed potato??? idk

What's your favorite drink?
I'm a consumerist pig who wants all of the Dr. Pepper in my mouth right now but I also love chocolate milk because I might as well be 5 fucking years old.

What's your favorite color?

If you had a super power, what would it be?
~shape shifting~ I don't sound like a massive nerd furry at all nope

What's your favorite movie?
Pacific Rim

What's your least favorite food?
Onions and Garlic are the bane of my existence and they ruin all good foods in this world.

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
A dodge caravan. I wouldn't mind a better van. A windowless one, so I could do a really nice paint job over most of it, and set the back up as a little travel room! I honestly don't use my vehicle for much other than transporting equipment now.

What is your most disliked bug?
you are in the wrong neighborhood with this question friend

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
Wet socks, being disrespected, cold spots in food, chewing noises.

What do you dislike in life?
Inequality. Patriarchy, institutionalized racism, homophobia, and transphobia.
That I don't have unlimited money for UNLIMITED REPTILES. Did you know I will probably die without being best friends with a Komodo Dragon? That is a fucking crime.

Get To Know Meme!


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  • Link

    Heyyyy, you have the alcohol intolerance thing too! I've never seen anyone outside my family with that! Small world. also PET CHICKENS ARE AWESOME I really wanted some but the place I'm living now has no yard. ;A; If you get them you must tell us all about them.

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      I plan on getting some this summer when we move! We are going to be renting a house where all poultry is legal. I want to have a couple different hens (mostly cochins!) and a trio of palm turkeys, one tom and two hens, as their gaurd dogs. I'll probably post about them left and right. I've been wanting pet chickens for something like 8 years now so I'll probably explode once I actually have them ha

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    Dannng you tall! Though I think everyone taller then me is tall. I was like 5'2'' until a couple months ago, I am not used to these towering heights just yet!

    Also I want to raise chickens too!! Q DQ I like to go to Nambroth's page on BackYard Chickens and sigh with envy.

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      CHICKENS ARE THE BEST. I'm not a foodie but I like all kinds of poulty! Chickens, turkey, pigeons and button quail eeeeeee <333333333

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    I was besties with a komodo at a zoo I worked at, once. If he were any more laid back, he might just have existed laying on his back. Couldn't honestly tell much diff in his behaviour from that of our beardie. Was just cuter when he loped around :x

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      The only komodos I've ever met in person were described as "super tame" and they were absolutely terrified of me. The poor things were shying away from eye contact, breathing hard, and not flicking their tongues at all laying there like dropped sand bags just waiting for me to leave, and whenever I moved you could see them tense up. I was very disappointed in their zoo's intelligent reptile care. They did really well for their crocodilians but otherwise had archaic handling methods and no enrichment. They had the two adults on constant display with no hides, and as a result they just sat in one of two places all day long, overweight and in a constant state of submission because there were always dozens of eyes on them. They're too smart for stuff like that, and were poorly socialized.. I bet they raised them with lots of force handling. That literally traumatizes monitors.

      The rest of the zoo is SO LOVELY. But their bored as sin King Cobra and their terrified Komodos really have my heart. People overlook the psychological needs of reptiles all too frequently, even on a professional level. I wish I could raise komodos if only so I could rewrite the book on how it's done for future captives.

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        Ours was. Well I don't like to go into it, because it gets me ~kinda~ riled up (Arkh Smash) but the initial enclosure design was so backasswards retarded he ended up with heatstroke. That took a long time to begin fixing: not the enclosure but his poor little mite of a brain. Was derpy as all fuck for some time before he started getting back to the crawling up the glass and eyeing people level of functionality. But I suppose... the smallest good thing that came of his ills, was with all the doctoring he had to receive to recover, he became just super-personable. I wandered in one morning to find the head 'keeper feeding him his vit D supplement in her lap from a bottle like a babe XD Was cute. When I left my placement there he was up & about, watching people, reacting to those he knew and actively following where we pointed the portable AC unit whilst they got the main building shit installed. Has about a dozen bebbies last I checked x3

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    Suggestion if you want chickens: Unless you live in the country with plenty of open space, do not get Guineas. THEM FUCKERS ARE LOUDER THAN SOME CAR ALARMS! SRS XP

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      I don't want guineas! They're really cute, but not as tame as I would like, and I'm only interested in these birds as companions. I want turkeys UuU Royal palms are a quiet, tame, ornamental breed that are also REALLY good watch dogs. I'm always home, and the second something fishy enters their yard turkeys raise the alarm.

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      Guineas are damn cute but they scream on the same level as a cockatoo can and that is just not good.

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    The local zoo has baby eyelash vipers and I think of you whenever I see their little nursery setup.

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      AW BABY EYELASH VIPER NURSERY WHAT ; w ; that sounds adorable I'm gonna die

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    I've not seen Pacific Rim.

    But already I want characters + porn based off them.


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      oh lordy lordy. I don't know how that would go for Pacific Rim since they were really specific in making them all bipedal and relatively humanoid-esque in silhouette! Kaiju aren't really Pacific Rim specific tho, they are a cultural phenomenon in Japan. I'm sure there are snake Kaiju out there. I'm not a big buff (yet) and only know some of the more spoken about ones, like Gamera (who I named my snapping turtle after heh.)

      Otachi is my favorite from PR. She's female tho!

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        Interesting, interesting!

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    What other color(s) do you like to go with orange!?

    FOR EXAMPLE, someone makes a character that is blue with orange markings because they like those two colors together; do you do/like anything like that?

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      I do like blue and orange! I love color combinations with it. Green, pink and light - cyan blue are my favorite orange combos. I don't really like it with red or royal blue, tho. I'm shade picky whoops. Red fights orange too much and royal blue over blows it like a speaker turned up too loud!

      Orange is the best I have a lot of feelings about orange I will probably explode

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    WET FUCKIN SOCKS ugh worst
    tell me about trypophobia? the only example I've ever heard of it was from a friend using lotus boob as something that scared him. would like, idk, beehives bother you, or an actual lotus seedpod? or just something on a person / animal or...?
    also I used to be really intimidated by you, too, and I get the same a lot, not so much online (as far as I know? Vash was intimidated by me at first tho) but in person, where people are like intimidated by me being shy & introverted, like confusing it for being aloof or something I guess.

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      HLBLEEEGHGHGHGHSDKLGKLSDGJ WELL FOR ONE THING YOU DESCRIBING THOSE WAS ENOUGH TO MAKE MY STOMACH FLIP. Also the word cluster bugs the shit out of me. It's.. it's a cluster of holes. Even on objects Usually the holes/pock marks aren't very neat (think inorganic shapes, asymmetric.) I'm gonna leave it at that because I started thinking of examples to share and got a bit light headed. I lose sleep if I think about it too much ; ;

      Yeah, IRL the biggest thing is I'm big and I'm quiet. It's because I'm super shy and very much to myself, but for some reason people assume I'm being purposefully antisocial and equate me to some mass murderer in the making or some shit, like whoa stop building mean backstories for me guys I'm just shy jesus

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        oh ahhh sorry ;_; I didn't mean to make you think too much about it I think I get it a lil more now though thank you
        and yeah def same for me. I'm big, quiet, usually bald, and apparently almost always expressionless. I'd love to hear some of the backstories people build up in their heads over quiet people

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    There is never enough paper towels when you have pets haha

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    It's always nice knowing more about cool people :3

    Thanks for doing this!

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    omg, congrats on your soon to be married hopefully!
    I didn't know what trypophobia was so I looked it up and now I regret it oh god.
    Also, wet socks. suck. ;_;

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    I really miss being able to have snakes but I do not miss their poops ever. It's lovely having a singular Leo that does her stuff in one corner of her little home instead of FIVE SNAKES SMEARING THAT MESS ON EVERYTHING THEIR BUTTS CAN REACH.
    I'm just going to take this meme from you now uwu