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Just Realized... by Windthor

...I should probably start being more active around here. :I

Since the whole FA debacle, I've decided to turn away from that site and never look back, not even to leave a "Leaving FA" journal over there. So, hey, there's that. x3

Anyway, I am hoping that Weasyl gets its user base up after all this; it needs it. I feel that people are just afraid because Weasyl isn't a "safe" option yet, which is kind of a lame excuse in my humble opinion, their real reasons probably actually being more along the lines of, "No one else is in Weasyl."

Which is a slightly more valid excuse, but that's WHY there aren't many people here, because of that mindset: The user base is small because the user base is small.

...If that makes any sense whatsoever. >.>; I haven't slept properly for the last two days for unrelated reasons completely separate from the FA clusterfuck.

All in all, I'm going to try and get to writing again. I hate writer's block, but I'mma try to drill through it.

For now, catch y'all later. ^_^

Just Realized...


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    Glad you found your way here :3

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      Oh, I found my way here a while ago. ^_^ I've just been less active because laziness and several other factors, but now I think I should start using this and SoFurry much more often than I have. Not that I've used FA all that much the last few months, either.

      Still, hopefully things will start picking up around here. :3