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Get To Know Me! (Meme) by Synhowl

Well, y'know, I figure that since this is a new site, I may as well use this here meme goin' around to sorta properly introduce myself to all of the new people who've friended me and/or followed me within the past few weeks. So ... here we go! XD

What's your real name?
My legal name is Carina (some RL friends and family who don't know me by my character name call me "Cari" for short), my male name is Lex (taken from my middle name, Alexandra), and my character name is Synhowl. More often than not, tho, I'm almost more comfortable being called by "Syn", in social situations.

How tall are you?

What's your natural hair color?

What's your eye color?
Dark Brown

What's your orientation?
Bisexual, but it varies, a bit. When I'm more female-minded, there's more of a male preference. When I'm male-minded, I lean more towards females. It's very rarely a pure mix of the two, straight down the middle, there's always a bit of flux, where I'll be more attracted to one than the other, even if only slightly.

Are you single, taken or undecided?
I'm truly, madly, and deeply in love with my fiance of 11 years, and my girlfriend of 2 years. Without them in my life, I'm certain that I wouldn't still be here. They've guided me through a LOT of difficult times, and they're my anchors that keep me grounded.

What do you do in your sparetime?
Gaming, writing, or drawing. Always one of those three, when I'm home without anything else to do. XD

What's your job or occupation?
Student, at the moment (3D Animation and soon also Computer Repair).

What do you like about yourself?
Hrmm ... that's tough. Umm ... I guess the fact that sometimes I genuinely help someone who needs it with the things I say?

What do you dislike about yourself?
Oh god, I could write a book. >_< If I had to pick just a few, tho, I'd say my weight, the fact that I'm not as androgynous as I'd like to be (damn wide Hispanic hips T_T;;), and this stupid BPD.

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you?
I really have no idea, and I'm sure it was different things for different people. XD

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
Spiritual, not religious. Me and religion REALLY don't get along. At all. Makes my skin crawl. ESPECIALLY Christianity, Mormonism, Lutherism, or Jehova Witnesses. I've been burned by them pretty bad throughout life. >_< My beliefs are definitely centered mostly around shamanism, tho.

Do you drink?
Ocassionally, yeah, tho I'm more likely to over-indulge on Monster Energy Drinks than on booze, LOL.

Do you smoke?
Not cigarettes, no, but I like cigars sometimes (hate inhaling, tho).

What are your major fears?
Death (ironic for someone whose been suicidal on and off throughout their whole life, LOL) and losing the people that I care about most.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
To someday be able to live off making games and make some sort of mark upon the gaming industry.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
MANY crushes, and one ex (online long-distance relationship) before my current partners.

Who's your best buddy?
I've definitely got more than one. Naki Lichdog Jericho%20Wing Razia DogDragonLover and Jrogenshin are the closest friends I've got in the whole wide word. And, of course, my two best, best, best, BEST friends in the whole entire world ... my fiance Pookin and the queen of my heart, Manda.

What's your favorite dish?
Ohhhhh man, WAY too many things to name. I love so many kinds of food, holy shit. XD

What's your favorite drink?
MONSTERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! Gimmegimmegimmegimmegimme! ((@))____((@))

What's your favorite color?

If you had a super power, what would it be?
Shapeshifting, definitely.

What's your favorite movie?
WAY too many to ever possible name, but my top 3 would hafta be Lion King, the Jurassic Park Trilogy, and the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.

What's your least favorite food?
Anything MAJORLY deep-fried and greasy (carnival foods especially @_@) and anything EXTREMELY spicy. Bearwolfie can't take the heat, LOL.

What's the last meal you want before you die?
I really honestly have no idea, it'd prolly be an impulse decision at the time. And that's assuming I'd even be ABLE to eat, knowing that I was gonna die. X_X

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
Still working on the driving thing (long story short, I was driving-phobic for maaaany years and am only just NOW going through the steps of learning how to drive and getting my license), and I already have my dream car (which my fiance drives for now, until it becomes my turn, LOL)--a 2007 PT Cruiser. Her name's Aria, and I loves her to pieces. ^.^

What is your most disliked bug?
Roaches, bees, and wasps. Any one of those three things will send me running and screaming (tho some types of spiders make me shudder, too). XD

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
That list could fill a book but my MAJOR ones? Any use of the word "furriend", "furson", "fursecution", or "yiff" in a serious way. Drives me up the wall. >_<

What do you dislike in life?
Inequality, bigotry, and anyone who preys upon the weak or gets their jollies off picking on people who've never done anything to them.

Get To Know Me! (Meme)


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  • Link

    Wasps are the WORST ARGH.

    Roaches I've heard are awful too; I live in Minnesota so they kind of don't exist here, but man have I head stories.

    • Link

      I live in Florida. HOMESTEAD, no less. Roaches are everywheeeeeeeeere. Especially when it's hot and rainy. Adsjdghaljdgladlkl, they're so gross, urrrrrrgh. ;___;