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Get to Know Me Meme by Leupstripes

oh no it's a thing
i'm gonna do it

What's your real name?
I don't honestly have one anymore, depending on how you define "real". I have a birth name, but I haven't decided what I'm going to do about that, yet...

How tall are you?

What's your natural hair color?

What's your eye color?
Brown (shh I'm deceptively boring)

What's your orientation?

Are you single, taken or undecided?
Taken. c:

What do you do in your spare time?
Play/watch minecraft, meditate, read weird books about consciousness stuff, or continue on with any of a million various scatterbrained worldbuilding plots.

What's your job or occupation?
I make monsters for a living. :D (might be a little shaky at the moment, pardon -- we're updating the server!)

What do you like about yourself?
I... suppose I'm rather shockingly tenacious when it counts, all things considered, and I'm more than a little impressed that I've come this far through life with my imagination and sense of wonder intact. Also, I'm squishy.

What do you dislike about yourself?
My awful memory, my tendency to default to anxiety in almost every situation, and my innate ability to sound really snobby and pretentious and I don't mean to at all (see prior question's answer). :(

What did your friends notice about you when they first met you? short I am. shut up. xD

What is your belief/religion if you believe in anything at all?
Hoo. Well, I never thought I'd end up the spiritual type, and then 2013 happened. Now, I have no idea what the hell you'd call what I am, but let's just say I have a really damn interesting outlook on reality these days.

Do you drink?
Sometimes I'll have a mouthful of peach schnapps or a glass of dessert wine. Very sometimes. I tend to become even more ridiculous after even minute quantities of alcohol. Also most of it I don't like the taste of. :C

Do you smoke?

What are your major fears?
Depending on my state of mind at the moment, I'm either terminally afraid I'll disappoint or let everyone down... or I'm literally not afraid of anything at all. I'm hoping I'll eventually settle permanently into the latter.

Do you have any dreams or goals?
I literally just want to be able to make or work on whatever it pops into my head to do at any given point of time. Honestly, I'm mostly there already, but the anxiety thing gets in the way of my realizing it a lot.

Have you ever had a crush or an ex?
...yes? To both? They pretty much both went just as "well" as the other, too.

Who's your best buddy?
points to Sixy

What's your favorite dish?
I freakin' love vegetable samosas, or corned beef & cabbage. :2

What's your favorite drink?
Cherry bawls. oh god it's been so long I miss you

What's your favorite color?
No single color. Red/black/white is my favorite color combination, though.

If you had a super power, what would it be?
/anxious noises
I don't think i'm at liberty to say :S

What's your favorite movie?
Cloverfield. I almost said Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, but they don't obviously kill Clovy, so...
(note-- I generally like very few movies/media things. I have this massive problem where everyone/everything I like dies without fail, so I just kind of gave up after a while. I still read pretty often, though.)

What's your least favorite food?
...did you know some people eat fried intestinal lining? "It's meaty!" said my mom.

What's the last meal you want before you die?
Before I die? I want to eat EVERYTHING.
...well, not the stuff I just mentioned. :S

What do you drive and what would you really like to drive?
Usually I ride on my phoenix mount, but I've got a bunch of different drakes I like to swap around with too, and a white hawkstrider when we can't fly. Really, I've got all the mounts I wanted the most, so I can't complain! :3

/in other words, I don't

What is your most disliked bug?
I used to be afraid of house centipedes because I thought they'd fall on my head and, I don't know, throw their legs at me or something, but I don't mind them anymore. (And none of them have fallen on my head yet, which helps.)

What pet peeves do you dislike the most?
I just sort of scrunch up my eyebrows in confusion at this one. I don't know. It makes me really sad when people are mean to fat people. I don't know if that counts, but YOU SHOULD KNOW ANYWAY. >8(

What do you dislike in life?
That I haven't managed to access creative mode yet.

Get to Know Me Meme


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  • Link

    'throw your legs at people' would be a pretty great superpower, tbh

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      Pfffhahaha, can you imagine? I bet that'd be hard to respond to with anything but utter terror, confused shock, or possible concussion.

  • Link

    Oh goodness... the part of me that's willing to try weird food wants to try friend intestinal linings now, but then the other half of me is like "whispers, noooooooo...."

    Also, I'm so envious, you have the White Hawkstrider. That was my dream land mount, and literally the only dream mount I didn't get before I went on hiatus from WoW, ahaha

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      I'm usually really good with trying new foods-- it's one of my favorite things-- but oh man, gack. I TRIED. xD
      And foof, if it makes you feel any better, I went through utter hell trying to farm it up before I went on my hiatus and lost access to my original account. I wanted the thing before it was even in-game since I'd seen it in a screenshot, and then it was like

      FOREVER :D

      Deo: ... :C

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        Oh man, you totes deserve it then. I wasn't a member long enough to see it before it was put in, I think I joined mid-way through BC's time in the spotlight? Maybe... I could be wrong.

        AHAHA, yeeeah, that's kind of a huge bummer. Kael's actually my favorite too, but I managed to see it as an opportunity to hear his dialog as much as I wanted, so I wasn't complaining too much. My brother and I almost memorized it all word for word at one point.

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          ...wheezes that may be the best typo of all time. xD

          (Oh no, is he?! you have the best taste. 8o)
          I felt so bad beating him up all the time, at first. Nowadays, since we've been at it for I don't know how long doing tempest keep every week, it's just become a running gag. Nobody gets hurt, it's all just a training montage!

          That, and every week he seems to try and outdo himself on breaking the fight. He's mind controlled both of us simultaneously and made our pets beat us up before despawning, and once he just completely glitched out and started floating really creepily around the room after us, and we had to hearth because the fight wouldn't go on anymore. xD We just expect hilarious archmage shenannigans nowadays.

          (and admittedly, one time I totally got macros for his sound files and spammed them for a week straight...)

          It's so bizarre to think how once I swore I'd never have the phoenix mount at all, let alone ever see it drop, and now every week I shout "DAMMIT KAEL, JUST DROP THE SECOND ONE AND WE DON'T HAVE TO DO THIS ANYMORE".

          We'd miss him, honestly. xD

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            I'm laughing even harder too, because my brother made a similar typo, actually it's basically reversed. He tried to type "friendship" but typed "friedship" instead by mistake, and now him and his friends have this running joke about friendship being like fried shrimp or something.

            (Yesss! I'm... admitted a _huge Keal fanboy, WOOPS! )
            I can so accept that. Wheezes, and at the end, he humors you guys by falling back and playing dead.

            NOT GONNA LIE, PICTURING HIM FLOATING AROUND THE ROOM CREEPILY MADE ME LAUGH P LOUD! Oh my god, that sounds so great. I never got to run Tempest Keep as much as I would have loved to, but I remember the one time my guildies and I did it, the entire raid was wiped except me, I got spared because Kael decided to MC me at the last minute, so I took it as him sparing me COUGHlikethedumblittlefanboyIam

            HEHEH, I feel like that would be my brother when I finally come back to WoW, since he'd be more than willing to help me farm the white hawkstrider again, especially since he got it. (He felt really guilty about it too, because he knows how much I've wanted it)

            Oh man, I would too!

            • Link

              ..mmmmm, fried shrimp. I think that sort of friendship wouldn't last very long around me. xD

              Muahahah. ONE OF US, ONE OF US!
              Honestly, I'm not sure why he even lets us in the front door anymore. "Ugh, YOU AGAIN. I'm not doing this..."

              The creepy floating thing was one of the most magical things I've ever seen in wow (second only to the time the server lagged and I flew off mountless into the sunset... then fell and died). He did the little transition thing before the last phase, and just... stopped at that, arms in the air, channeling with his magic purple beams and everything.

              I didn't realize anything was amiss until I turned around, looked up, and saw him drifting gracefully across the room after me without casting. Naturally, we all ran in circles and laughed like idiots for three minutes, then realized the fight was essentially over and the doors were still locked. Whoops. xD

              Pfft, lucky! Back when we still had to bring in a full raid to have a shot at winning, he MCed my boss-- who likes Kael as much as I do-- and had him nuke me. That was a fun night!

              I'll put in a good word with Kael for you. You aught to get to have your hawky, too! :D

              • Link

                YEAHAH, same. Even though I seem to have lost my taste for shrimp, food is food, and I'm horribly gluttonous, wheeze

                PFFF, tough luck Kael'thas, you're stuck with 'em until you give them another phoenix!

                FRICK, THAT MUST HAVE BEEN SOMETHING! I would have probably screamed and got tossed into a laughing fit. Oh man... I don't think I remember anything really good happening to me as far as glitches go, however my brother has fallen through the floors of so many raid maps, he became notorious for it in our old guild. People used to ask him if he was gonna fall through the floor every raid, eheheh.

                Aw man, that sounds like it was fun. I was never too into serious raiding, and during our old guild's earlier days, neither was anyone else, but we raided anyhow and always ended up having a laugh together on Vent, even when we wiped. And then they rtied to get serious, and it caused a lot of drama in the end by guildies who'd get super frustrated and take it out on others. <:/

                Haha, yes good.

                • Link

                  Raids do such amazing stuff nowadays when you two-man them. I think it's because it's not enough people for the mechanics they were made to use, so bosses get really confused sometimes. It's like a new surprise every week, it's great. xD

                  And man, our old guild was..hoo. It was fun in the beginning; it was just a social guild, and some of us ended up taking part in some weekly pugs someone on our server used to get together every weekend. Those were lighthearted and silly, and really enjoyable.
                  And then later in, a few people decided they wanted to try and push towards being a serious raiding guild, and it went really poorly for everyone involved and the guild imploded in the process. :( After that, I decided I'd just stick to vanity guilds and doing stuff with a couple friends; I went on hiatus shortly after that went down because wow was really hard for me to be on after that.

                  I'm kinda glad it all happened that way, though, because it's like a clean slate now and I can enjoy it again, even though I really only play sporadically. :)

                  • Link

                    Heheheh, I know what Nessa and I will be doing if we get high enough to two-man stuff easily, then. >v>

                    Man, that bites. :c That's basically what happened with ours, too. We both quit before the guild fell apart, but we could see it crumbling, and kept hearing about it from mutual friends who kept tabs on the guild mods and stuff. In the mean time, my brother and I tackled new content with just the two of us, until we grew bored of that and I finally convinced him to join the other server, and we could just goof off with our blood elf characters. He ended up role-playing with other people more than me, which is fine, but it did kind of leave me sitting there with nothing to do but tweak character profiles... since I was too chicken to approach any other role-players, weeps.

                    As much as that must have bit to go through, I'm glad you're having a better time playing now. Sometimes all you need is a good break and a fresh start to have fun again. vuv

                    • Link

                      Awww! I would've been right there with you. I'm usually so ridiculously shy, I can't go up to people and just be like HEY YOU'RE COOL, WANNA DO THING? 8D
                      And yeah, it sucked at first, but it kind of ended up working out better than my first go around by far! My first time on wow was.. well, let's go with "an interesting situation". :S I can actually have fun on my own terms now, and it makes everything so much better. :D

  • Link

    :C won't load for me noooo!

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      It's been giving me trouble tonight, too! :( I've got to wait for my boss to look into it for me, but hopefully it should be back in working order before the day's out.

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    Vegetable somasaaaas. I wish I knew where I could get my hands on some good ones now that I'm no longer completely bowled (eheh, boweled) over by spicy/hot food, but like...there is no where...

    also fried intestinal lining?? Does it come with the rest of the intestine attached?? WHY WOULD YOU PULL IT OFF? that is so weird. Intestines are for holding

    • Link

      *holding onto sausage filling. god. enterbutton triggerhappy. though tripe is ok in pho.

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        I went without samosas for YEARS and was so utterly heartbroken by it-- I had my first ones sometime right before I left high school. :C I made do with frozen ones for a while, once I found a grocery store that carried them. But then a few months ago I found this site called Eat 24, and they let you order from all sorts of restaurants in the area and I was like HOLY HELL THERE'S AN INDIAN PLACE NEARBY AAAAHHH /happyending

        And man, it's funny! I don't mind natural sausage casings at all, but oh man I don't think I can ever handle putting a giant wad of it in my mouth ever again. I'm usually willing to give unusual food a second try, but NOPE.
        I've never had tripe before, but I think I might hold off on trying that until I can find pho...