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After Thoughts by Kalaness

So now that I have had a few days on Weasyl, and I am going to voice a better opinion of the site.

First things first, I joined Weasyl because I wanted to check it out. Nothing more nothing less. Now, with that being said


Aesthetics - It feels smooth and coherent, except for the occasional lag from the servers. The UI is absolutely beautiful, and it's not too dark and not too bright. It mixes both very well. The colour of the UI also makes it stand out from other sites such as devinatART and Fur Affinity.
The Community - Ever since I came here I have had nothing but a warm reception. People are generally nice and typically don't want to start unnecessary drama. No one has been up in arms and trying to go at each others' throats.
Informant Owners - We all know what it's like to not be communicated with, luckily Wasyl has a tumblr and twitter to keep everyone updated about site in-case it goes down.


Delays - You wouldn't believe how awkward it is to see someone's submission appear on the front page that you're watching and looking at the lack of notifications about it in the upper corner.
Lack of Explanations - This a pretty big one for me. You can look all over the place for an answer but you just won't find it. I've been trying to figure out how to make Folders for the past few days, and there isn't even a forum post on how to do this.
Premium and Free Accounts - I understand why this is here, still don't like it. I would be more okay with it if Premium users got a better uploads and that's it. I am not too sure how Weasyl does it, but premium almost always comes with extra features that everyone should have anyways.

Given how this site is still only in beta-stages, the community, and the feel of the UI make up for it.
If anyone knows of some tutorials on how to use the site, feel free to link down in my comments, and I'll make a journal about it later.

After Thoughts


Journal Information



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    The delays between frontpage and notifications is one I was unaware of. Color me surprised.
    The lack of explanations onsite is a bit one I must admit sometimes. Though, with enough searching and careful reading I've generally found all I needed within the help page and/or personal digging/experimentation. The two Weasyl twitters accounts have also been -very- useful to me and others too:

    In practice, as a result, I've discovered most of anything pertaining to "control" of your gallery can be found in the "setting" button under your username.

    Folders are basically controlled from there. It's "Submissions Folders" under "Prefferences.
    Once you click this you're brought to a screen. The first thing you see is the pretty much self-explanatory "Create Folder".
    You enter a name in the given space, select if you want it to be a subfolder of another existing folder in the dropdown menu and click "Create".

    From now on, when submitting new images you can choose from one of the dropdown menus in the submission screen in which folder you want to post them. To move already existing images to said folders you need to go to the image itself and fix that in "Edit Submission Details"

    Also, when you're in the "Submission Folders" page proper, if you scroll down enough you'll find a "Edit Folder Options" section with links pertaining to all your currently existing folders.

    This is how I got to get a randomly selected image to always crop up on my profile page instead of the "latest picture" by setting up folders as "featured folders" in those options. You can also setup some folders to not produces notifications when you post art on them, which is a way of setting up custom "scraps" folders for artists.

    I hope this all help! I assume there will be more documentation as time pass and the website progress within it's beta.

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      Thanks for that tidbit! I seriously looked all over the damn place just to find how to make a folder XD