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My old alt.devilbunnies stories archive by Aldin

Repeat of yesterday's journal from my FA account.

As I've mentioned in my profile, I'm a "refugee" from the defunct alt.devilbunnies usenet newsgroup.

It was a creative writing group where the mythos was a "shared reality"--take the world as we know it with one minor change: rabbits are intelligent, evil creatures bent on world domination. Rather than go into a lot of details, you can look it up yourself over to the old alt.devilbunnies website.

Over the roughly 11 years (plus one more tale 4 years later) I was active with that group, I contributed about 125 stories, some on my own, some in collaboration with others on the group. In its heyday, alt.devilbunnies had a daily readership that peaked at just over 100,000 a day according to some reports posted by one of the "UNIX gods" who set-up the associated website.

I took those stories off line about 5 years ago. I wanted to clean things up and my webhost had made some changes. Their server is case sensitive now, which it wasn't before. So, many of my links didn't work.

Well, I've been putting it off 'cause I knew it would take me a long time to fix it, especially without a web editor on my PC. So, I spent about 5 hours yesterday in Notepad (shuddertailflick) handcoding broken html. The stories index and the links within it work. I can't promise any links within the stories work. This is all provided you're ever interested in reading my work from that mythos, some of which dates back 20 years now.

But if you are interested, here it is.

Like many feel about their old work, I'm not proud or particularly happy with the early stuff, but it's still a part of me and helps define who Aldin is.

Journal is rated "Moderate" 'cause the old newsgroup was also rated that way. There is violence, blood, gore, transformation, and references to sex, but no descriptions of the last. View at your discretion.

My old alt.devilbunnies stories archive


Journal Information
