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Getting use to Weasyl by Silnat

I'm enjoying these new site now that i know some old friends are here too.
I want to meet new friends, make some trades, requests and even why not commissions this experience it's awesome.
Thanks so much!

Getting use to Weasyl


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    I'm definitely enjoying it here already. Idk why, but it feels nicer over here. XD

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      It's a nice place. I was surprised t see lot of new people coming not just from furry sites, but also from place like Deviantart and not even being furries themselves. What's more amazing is also just how civil is to each others despite where they come from too.

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        DA has something that FA not that is the ability to organize all the art works in folders.
        Hopefully now we have a furry site that combines that. Lots of people with same interest and a well organize place for art work =3

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          Actually, a lot of nonfurries are coming over from Deviantart as well so you might wish to be careful about calling this a "furry" site ;)

          This said, I'm just loving how everyone is going along together, both furries and non. Then again I've always been of the school of thought that the things limiting the success of furry art is not that nonfurries cannot appreciate art with anthropomorphic animals, but that furries believed this actually would be the case.

          I doubt such comics as Blacksad or games like Dust: An Elysian tales would have had the success they got if only furries had purchased them despite being "furry" works :)
          Which in a way, though, is kinda amazing ^^

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            I mean, more like anthropomorphic lovers followers? We all can merge in a common point xD

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              Well, I did have to explain to an artist that yes it was perfectly fine to post art of humans here as well by providing her examples of other artists who did.
              It was kind of neat though in the friendly tone of the conversation. People tend to often forget that Weasyl is an art-site first and not specifically aimed at any community actually in it's TOS.
              It's just very furry-friendly and has a ton of users of the furry community. And now from other communities as well :)

              I'll admit, I'd kind of like for furries to be more bold and try to produces works outside of just the "furry circles", even if it includes anthropomorphic characters. I mean, my own little sister isn't a furry. In fact her own passion is japanese ball-jointed dolls. But some of her favorite characters in games have been of the anthropomorphic animal variety(she is, in fact, a diehard fan of the Star Fox franchise). So even if she's not a furry, and probably would never consider herself one, she's someone I have no issues being able to talk and even show of my own furry art to for feedback and such without any shame or unease.

              And people like her are more common than we think. Me deciding to try to truly push myself forward on my art, no matter the subject, was a decision I came to be when a friend of mine(a post-doctorate who literally did panels and speeches at medical conventions) actually fell upon one of my furry art sketchbooks and began complimenting me in all honesty for the sketches she had found within, despite me being uneasy because it was "furry art" after she she told me to basically "never be ashamed of my art whatsoever" I might draw.

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                I know what you mean i use to have a lot of random stuff in DA i was thinking in upload my old art work.
                Including those of Hey Arnold stuff xD

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      I totally agree anyway i'm going to be active in both places cough FA so i don't left anyone behind =3

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    (Hugs tight)
    I'm really liking it too, so many familiar friendly faces keep arriving

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      I really want to know more people yey grabs your hands and dance

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    It feels weird to me when I'm at a new place o~o

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      But it's getting full of friends *strong hug

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        Thats true, that is really one good thing about it. Even though its mainly choices what you can choose... I even made a Tumblr and still don't know how to use it hahaha ^^;

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          So neat! Send me the link later =3