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Nevermind~ by Mattaku

I got it, bookmarked the help page!
Hopefully I'll get used to markdown @_@



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      Thank you Vin~

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    Oh, I'll admit that is a bit more complex than elsewhere!
    It's documented here: . I used to keep that page open in another tab for quick copy and pasting whenever I needed to icon-links folks until I grew used enough to the system to be able to write it on my own!
    Scroll down to "Referencing users" and you'll see all the formatting to link to a person through their username alone, their icon alone or both their icon and username.
    There's also formatting to link people to their galleries off the sites on place like FA/Deviantart/Inkbunny using the usernames they use here!

    Their formatting system is also pretty neat and flexible for more than just that.

    With it you can write stuff like this line

    Or like this!
    Or do stuff like this:

    Here is a quote box. I've seen folks uses it to insert links to their different galleries everywhere as a signature they can easily copy and paste to every post/imagesjournals.

    It's a pretty flexible system and functional everywhere on the mainsite, be it journal, images descriptions or even comments like here :)

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      Thank you~
      I'm so used to BBC that this is confusing for me, haha.
      I'll eventually get the hang of it hopefully.

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        It's a bit complex at first, but I find it very easy to use once you start getting used to it. The quote box is probably what surprised me the most as I'd never seen anything of it's like anywhere else on art gallery sites!

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          It seems to be a little more to type out.
          But like you said earlier, until you can get used to it copy/paste works fine!

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            Well, it's a bit more to type out when it comes to icon, that I'll admit!
            But compared to type out BBC lines(which are still functional) whenever I just want to do stuff for a whole line like a list or whatever, I find the system pretty quick. I mean a quote box is just the ">" symbol at the start of a line. It's pretty quick I feel :)

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              Ah, yeah.
              I meant on the whole icon thing.
              I'm actually not sure what I mean, I'm either just not very smart today, or the lack of sleep is finally getting to me.
              Woo-hoo insomnia

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                Oh gosh I hear you there o.o
                I made the mistake of drinking too much tea way too late in the night. And the morning after(yesterday) I was basically woken up with only two hours of sleep.
                This said that was because my new monoprice monitor tablet had arrived so that was all good :>

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                  I think I've been awake for about 26 or 27 hours?
                  I don't even remember anymore dude, lol.
                  My weakness with caffeine is Dr. Pepper. That stuff is my friggen life blood. hahaha
                  Also, I want a monitor tablet so damn bad D:
                  I got to draw on my friend's once, and it was soooooo nice. So friggen jealous. I'll eventually be able to save up for one, hopefully!
                  shakes fist in the air

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                    I can't give a definitive review yet(it's basically what I just got yesterday) but you might want to give a lookt at the monoprice 19" monitor tablet:

                    It basically cost me barely more than what I originally paid for my (smaller) intuos4.

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                      It looks friggen awesome~~~
                      You'll HAVE to let me know how it handles, as it might be something I want to look into.
                      I looked at some cintiq's earlier, and holy mother of fuck are they expensive.
                      I think I would have to sell a kidney just to get one.