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A partition thing with regards to FA by Slainmonkey

I am not a person that likes to kick up a shit storm, particularly not so much these days. Never the less I feel that the mess with FA is a complete train wreck and people being silenced has only made these matter worse, as such it is understandable what people are leaving right, left and center (particularly when it is with regards to someone who's that suspect as Zaush). As such I think it's only right I provide yous with this partition which will allow you and your opinions to be heard.

A partition thing with regards to FA


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    I'm dyslexic but I did pick up on this that you've called it 'partition' and have to ask if that's delibrate as context given given it's still pretty accurate as a means to divide ourselves as defectors from that sinking ship. I can't imagine anyone going back even if this did work, as this isn't the usual "Imma leavin' Forevah!" shtick people poke fun at.

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      Maybe no but at least is allows people to voice themselves in the way that can't be silenced

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    Seriously? People are taking this much action toward someone that they're not even 100% sure IS a rapist, yet no one's doing jack shit about Dragoneer himself? WTF is WRONG with this community?! See, THIS shit is why no one respects us.

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      While it is true that no one can truly confirm it, but I do think that in this incidence peoples concerns does have a solid basis. As there is more to it then just the accusation alone because the way Zaush jokes about the claimed rape (and even brags) on twitter is a good reason people to feel more uneasy about him. On to of that that people have been getting banded for voicing their discomfort of it........I think the issue also comes down to conduct in the way the situation as been handled across the board. That's why I feel like that putting up the petition because I believe firmly that everyone at least deserves the right to at least voice their feelings on the matter without being silenced,

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        I understand why people don't want him, I really do. I wouldn't want a potential rapist representing me either. I've read about this and I've seen some of the crap he says. I don't know if Zaush is a rapist, but I do know that he's an asshole and a stupid one at that. But I don't think that he is the biggest problem and I find it incredibly stupid that THIS is what makes people flip. Not Dragoneer and all his bullshit, abusing his power in every way he can over the years. No, it's THIS. What REALLY takes the cake though is. . . who are they asking for help? DRAGONEER! Why is their no petition to get HIM removed? He's the second biggest problem of all, he's nothing but a child in an adult's position, you can't get much more unprofessional than Dragoneer. The first problem being weak little lemmings that let him and others treat them like crap, then wonder how something like this rape fiasco can even happen. Dragoneer is the one letting a potential rapist in yet no on has anything to say about that? That's just piling it on to all of his other heinous actions, I think people need to get their priorities strait, they need to stop wading through the underlings and just KILL THE HEAD VAMPIRE.

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          I guess the point is more to try and make him feel pressured, which is fair enough since that's all that people can really do. I mean I am sure that most people are more then well aware that Dragoneer is unfit to change a tire, let along run FA but are in no power to change that. To be honest I dunno if I would stay if said interface becomes finished, kinda feels like I'd be living in the house that rape built. With that in mind I somehow doubt the new interface will even see the light of day, I mean even in my relatively short time on FA I've become well aware of countless plans to updated the site that have gone bottom up.......I imagine this will fall apart like all the others.

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            That's the key thing right there, everyone knows it. That's what makes this even sadder. If we all know it, then why are we letting it continue? We're pressuring Zaush, so why not the big cheese himself? This is wrong, and it's gotta stop. I can't take it anymore, and I KNOW I'm not the only one. It needs to end.

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              Well if I see a petition to remove Dragoneer around I shall be sure to sign that too and spread it around.

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    As we all know, boycotting has rarely ever been effective.

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      Well I can't say I'm boycotting exactly since I'm still there, but I guess I link it to just give people an outlet to try and express themselves and try to put pressure on the powers that be, without the risk on being silenced.

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        I wasn't targetting anyone in particular. Although, people are being silenced on FA, it is not possible for people to be silenced by them outside of FA.

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          That is true, but I guess I think it's worth showing people in the case they wish to sign it....even if it will likely be not overly effective.

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      Boycotting something that is free is particularly ineffective.