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AND ITS DONE by RamTheDragon

Everything is up to date, got a banner, got commission info up, fiddled with folders and GOOD TIMES

This is prettier than my DA by far wow

Things that I am liking about Weasyl:

  • Smooth interface
  • Banners are cool stuff
  • Streaming interface stuff

Things I am not liking about Weasyl

  • Tiny thumbnails
  • No featured submissions or featured folders that you can manually pick
  • Reaaally small userbase

BUT YEAH, I'll keep this updated, trust me, in the meantime, ask me questions! TALK TO ME OH GOD I AM SO LONELY (?)



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    I miss the ability to easily hover my mouse pointer over the thumbnails in a favorites/submissions section on each users's profile section and get a preview image.

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    Oh wait, I know how to fix one of those! Featured content! You can feature a folder's contents for your front page if you go down into Edit Folder Options, under Settings > Submission Folders. When you select a folder, there should be a checkbox that allows you to "feature" a folder's contents on your front page. :3

    And thankfully, I've seen several places in the forums where the admins have acknowledged that the thumbnail issue is one that's going to be addressed in the near future as stuff gets sorted out proper... I know it's a bit of a pain right now while things are still growing and in beta, but they know we don't like it, and they're on their way to fixing it. ewe;

    Also, I seriously need to get a gallery banner painted up to throw on my profile, now that you remind me. >>; I definitely agree with this place being prettier than DA. It's so... clean. <3 Heck, a huge amount of my love comes simply from the fact that I can access Weasyl on pretty much anything that can get Internet, and it'll load right away, no clutter or having to zoom in to read teenytiny text or click on a link with my fat fingers on my smartphone.

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      Brilliant! Thank you very much! It's still a bit finicky cause I'd rather have a proper picture up instead of a random one from a folder and I would also like to manage what folders show up in my submissions page and what pictures they show.

      I need to add that Weasyl also handles file resolution and TRANSPARENCY REALLY WELL THIS IS GOOD YES

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        Oh definitely, it'd be nice to have a single submission to be "featured" if you wanted to show off something you were particularly proud of, or if you wanted to use a submission as an "ID" of sorts, but I'm sure they'll make that happen at some point. x3

        The other folder options there at least help solve SOME of those issues about what to hide and what to show off. While they apply to whole folders moreso than individual files, it is nice to be able to set all my old art and sketch folders to not show up on my main page, or my main gallery. Keeps stuff looking clean, AND I can keep uploading silly sketches and whatnot without crowding out my nicer stuff.

        And HECK TO THE YES for the resolution thing, oh my god. <3 I love not having to resize my files like I had to on FA to match some sort of weird size requirement, and make sure my PNGs weren't just dumped into clunky JPEGs. Haven't uploaded much stuff with transparency, but maybe I shall have to experiment! owo

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    Give it some time to grow and that userbase won't be so small! I have to say though at the moment I've migrated here as well. I don't really check my dA anymore just because of how sloppy the site is. I find it hard to keep up with. :/ And folders are really nice. I love that we have character profile pages here too.

    Soon as I pretty it up I think this is going to become my primary art site.

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      I do prefer this WAY more than DA, actually I'll probably close my account there in the near future, it's absolutely not worth it anymore

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        Absolutely. I'm keeping mine open over there but I ended up putting a lot in scraps/storage. Hopefully I can keep my Weasyl pretty nice. I know I need to rescan some images for here since they're kind of dark. I want to put only really nice crisp images up here buuut we'll see. I kind of made a "WIP" folder where I can toss sketches and stuff so I don't have to load my gallery with them.

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    It totally is a better site, I'm liking it more and more as I use it. Doesn't feel as cluttered as FA, I guess.

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      It is a lot cleaner yes

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        aaaaaaaaand doesn't crash every 5 days >.>