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F3con Date Declared by bpanthress

Great news everyone!

We’re moving! Your favorite Ozarks furry convention has new dates for 2014!

We are delighted to announce that we have been able to accommodate the recent date change by MwFF by securing their previous calendar slot on the weekend before Thanksgiving for #F3con3 “Memes: It c4m3 fr0m teh Intarwebz!!11one!”.”

This is great news for you because more folks will be able to attend on these dates than our previous one, there is far less chance of winter storms, more shows are going to be open in Branson in November, and there will be more opportunities to buy your holiday gifts and art at the con well before the retail shopping rush!

Our location remains in the same place you fell in love with last year, the Stone Castle Hotel and Conference Center, where even the staff has furries! Rooms fill up super-fast for November, so reserve your room right away, to make sure you get one!

Also: be sure to also watch our website for contests, special offers and giveaways throughout the year as we look for art, stories, and who knows what else! 2014’s theme is “Memes: It C4m3 Fr0m teh Intarwebz”, and you want to be the first to share the freshest news and memes with your friends! follow F3con today, and we’ll see you this fall, on November 20-24th!

F3con Date Declared


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  • Link

    Heck Yes. That should pretty much finalize my 2014 Con Schedule. I hope taking advantage of this date can bring in furs alienated by the date change for MFF where they can't make the new dates. It could cause us to outgrow the StoneCastle and force us to move to the Radisson which is where VisionCon is at now.

    • Link

      I hope that doesn't happen for a while yet. I dearly love Stone Castle and their Staff.

  • Link

    Nice! I wish i could make it this year! I'm traveling down to visit family in MN in Aug. Maybe i should move it back and convince them that we should have Thanksgiving or an early Christmas at Silver Dollar City... XD

    • Link

      Yes, Yes you should! Totally! Make it SO!