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Sorry for my FA Journal by Pandactyl

If anyone is over there reading it and are getting askeered that I have totally and completely lost it xD I am half super angry and half trolling at this point because my rage has reached the boiling point.

The whole thing is a huge issue for me and I am super tired of being told I have no basis to feel the way I do. Therefore I am acting like an idiot and hope I get banned for some lolz. At least FA can be good for something for me.

So please excuse the current state of stupidity if you were reading it.

Sorry for my FA Journal


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    I didn't read it, but now I am VERRRRRY curious! :3c

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      I'm hilarious!!! and I even got him to call me a tumblrite and social justice warrior and that he hopes I win the oppression olympics!

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      Oh see, now that is not what I would call stupidity... More like valid hurt and rage. The fact that we can't even begin to rationalize with these people/misogynists (who in most cases don't understand what it's like to be sexually violated) that this is a serious issue and that victim blaming is bullshit is just soul crushing for me. I feel completely helpless to argue my point because assholes like that are so adamantly against the idea that victims deserve justice or that "one of their own" could possibly commit one of the most common crimes and just... UGH. My brain is fried from all of this and I am so sorry that this is bringing up so much hurt for you. I wish we could fix everything with just a flick of the wrist.

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    Pfffft. xD

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    sends hugs if that's okay

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      hugs are always okay!! -hugs-

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    Apparently the crazy has been going around. Yesterday I got few up with other players vying for a spot in a DnD play by post game and did much the same thing. Half rage and half trolling.

    For an Evil game you pretty much have the whole expanse of DnD monster books at your disposal to make a critter for your PC.

    One player said that having a large number of stat bonuses was "Unfair to him as he's playing a human."

    I said that was silly, compared to the broadness of possible selection available to him and that it said more about his lack of imagination than a lack of fairness.

    I stated I would make an awakened rock as a player character, and would then proceed to complain about the rest of the party having functional limbs and physical ability scores.

    I actually went so far as to statting out A. Goddamn Rock. The A is for Arthur.

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      A Goddamn Rock is literally the best OC ever

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        Some suggested I play Druid, since Wild Shape would allow the character to actually move.

        I acted enraged and said I was playing a goddamn rock, not a goddamn tree stump.